Hey! Just wanted to thank you for posting on my page:) I’m glad you like my book, Military’s Girl, And i’m glad it was able to touch your life. I know what you mean, because these day’s, it doesn’t seem like real love exists. But that’s the thing, for most people, it doesn’t, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t out there. It’s like you described on your wall. Love is being there for someone, knowing all of them (their quirks and faults) and still being there with them. Love is being a friend and being close to someone.
I know that the image of Love has been screwed up by so many movies and books and such, that’s why people don’t think love exists. But it does:)
Look at your friends around you, your friends that have been by your side forever, or who have been through things with you and who are still by your side, they love you. It’s a different kind of Love, but it’s still Love.
The kinda love that people think exist out there and write all those sappy(love at first sight) books, they got it wrong, and that’s probably why a majority of people don’t think true love exist, because the love they were told about, really doesn’t.