
Alright ye bastards!!!! My boy here, TimBreakRadio only had 36 followers, and 800 reads on a book, I'm asking a huge favor but please check him out! The content he creates is so awesome, but he'll never be recognized if you guys don't help him out!!!


@TimBREAKRADIO  it doesn't matter bro, you really do deserve some recognition. 


Alright ye bastards!!!! My boy here, TimBreakRadio only had 36 followers, and 800 reads on a book, I'm asking a huge favor but please check him out! The content he creates is so awesome, but he'll never be recognized if you guys don't help him out!!!


@TimBREAKRADIO  it doesn't matter bro, you really do deserve some recognition. 


Hey guys it's Ghost, yea I know it's been a while but my project is complete so, in couple days probably a little bit before Christmas. I release the first chapter, sometime around then. Once this book is fully out and finished I'll pick up on all my unfineshed projects. So don't worry. But I do hope you guys enjoy my new book. It's an original so, I'm open to your criticism.


Alright! I am back! Don't know for how long though, just kidding guys. Look forward to a completely new story! Don't worry Star Wars is still in development, so don't worry. Alright I love you guys and I'll talk to guys later, peace!