CALM TIT oh my god, it's been another year! how long has it been since our tits have been calm? seven whole years, i'm almost TWENTY NOW OH MY GOD. how have you been?? pls hit me up on tiktok or something so we can have calm tits more than once a year 
          tt: fckdoumean 


okay- you can totally ignore this message because you probably don't even remember me but i'm back and i just wanTed tO sAy hI in a vEry awkWard mAnnEr-


@joshisnotreal Awwww :3 You're super nice toooo!


@DoctorHyruleCat snKsksnk i just saw this what is wronG wiTh mE,, and why wouldn't i be aware of your existence? you're one of the nicest people i ran into ((:


@joshisnotreal OFC I REMEMBER YOU!! I haven't been on Wattpad in forever, but yes I remember you. Thanks for saying Hi. :D Tbh I didn't even know that you knew I existed. xD oops.
            Anyways, I'm never really on hear, I've kind of being thinking about making a instagram account just for my internet friends, bc I on there a lot more than here, plus I wouldn't have to show my identity, but I could still easily access communication. idk. Its stupid.  
            Still, Hi! Thanks for dropping by. :D 
            (Secretly cringing @ myself because im super awkward to okybye)