
Account is officially dead. Please do not continue to follow. Please redirect to @FrannieNeedsToHide for YouTube fanfiction. Do not ask me about this account. Do not request to do anything that doesn't have to do with my current books. I'm not coming back.


Okay. So, this account is dead. As in dead dead. I will be coming back.
          I have a new account. I have only told this to one person. That person will not be revealed so nobody goes asking them where I went. I've started in the YT shipping again and have drifted slightly from the Hetalia fandom. I'm still in it but I'm not an active member.
          I doubt you'll be able to find me again. I go by a different name and my writing style has changed from the normal. I have alienated myself from this account. Goodbye, forever.


Hey. How's life? You haven't been respond to my messages so idk ^^' 


Yeah, I don't know what's up with it


Ah. I know how that is. I actually have to go to the messages area to see


I've been super busy, so sorry I haven't talked to you but it never tells me anymore 