I'm going to spend this year almost completely dedicated to my new Stranger Things fan series. If I don't update any of my books at all or of updates are slower than normal (and they're pretty slow already), now you know why. It will be a 10 part series in which the residents of Hawkins as well as some new and returning characters fight against Hawkins Lab's new project - Morpheus, which aims to eradicate the need to sleep. I have high hopes for this series so much so that I have a further two seasons planned after it. I don't normally ask for reads but if you're not interested, ask around your online friends who may be interested in reading it. It would mean a great deal to me as this is the first time that I've really been invested in a project as much as I have with this one. Yeah, the likes of The Dimensioneer and The Phantom League are fun to plan and write but the parts never really go on too long and I always try to fill them with lightheartedness and humour whereas something like this will show a different side to my writing capabilities by showing a more serious, darker tone. Like I said, this will be an insanely long project that will be completed by the end of 2018 if we're lucky, perhaps even 2019. I will be completing every episode before publishing anything so it is easier on myself to publish regularly and it's also helpful to you guys as you'll know roughly when to expect them which is a change for me. If you have any queries about my Stranger Things fan series or anything else about my work or just me in general, don't hesitate to private message me and you're guaranteed a response within a maximum of 24 hours unless certain circumstances affect that, which they shouldn't. Anyway, that does it for me, I'll see you in future updates, stories and plans but for now, I'm out! Bye!