I am a Doctor Who fan. I have been a fan of the show for nearly 10 years now and have been writing fiction for the show ever since 2010. I write everything from scripts to novels to short stories about the adventures of the Doctor and his companions along the way. Below are some answers to frequently asked questions for a 'Whovian'.

Favourite Doctor? The First Doctor, I prefer the revived series to the classic series, but you cannot deny the classic of the First Doctor.

Favourite companion? Clara Oswald, she's witty and intelligent, but can also be quite feisty and in particular she helps the Doctor out at any time he needs it, some companions in the past lacked that.

Favourite episode? Not mentioned by many, but the Series 7 episode 'Dinosaurs on a Spaceship' is my favourite episode of the current series because its funny and a light story, more about adventure than threat. My all time favourite episode is 'The Day of the Doctor'. It was a change for the normal tone of Who we are used to and explored some pretty personal ground for the Doctor which in previous episodes wasn't seen an awful lot.
  • United Kingdom
  • JoinedDecember 27, 2013