
Hi everyone!
          	Happy holidays! I was thinking - if I printed a hard copy of one of my stories, would anyone like a signed copy? 


@Doctor_Mobius Wow, that would be nice :)
          	  I just read your short story I'll put a spell on you and I really liked it :)
          	  Although it's not the only thing I like about your work. You are very talented. Just saying ;D


Oi, tudo bem? Desculpa invadir seu mural, mas eu precisava compartilhar essa história com você!
          Se você gosta de tramas envolventes, reviravoltas surpreendentes e casais inesquecíveis, então precisa conhecer A Força da Adaptação!
          Uma história de superação, coragem e recomeços.
          ️ Savannah Caldwell sempre viveu pela adrenalina das pistas, mas um acidente inesperado mudou tudo. Agora, paraplégica, ela precisa enfrentar uma nova realidade – não apenas a dor da reabilitação, mas também o abandono da mulher que prometeu estar ao seu lado.
           Perder o controle nunca foi uma opção, mas quando a vida vira do avesso, Savannah descobre que sua verdadeira força não está na velocidade, e sim na capacidade de se reinventar. Com o apoio de sua família e amigos, ela trilha um caminho de autodescoberta e descobre que a vida ainda pode ser extraordinária, mesmo fora das pistas.
          ✨ Uma história emocionante sobre amizade, amor e recomeços. Se você curte protagonistas fortes, emoções intensas e narrativas que aquecem o coração, A Força da Adaptação é para você!
           Pronto (a) para viver essa história?


Hi everyone!
          Happy holidays! I was thinking - if I printed a hard copy of one of my stories, would anyone like a signed copy? 


@Doctor_Mobius Wow, that would be nice :)
            I just read your short story I'll put a spell on you and I really liked it :)
            Although it's not the only thing I like about your work. You are very talented. Just saying ;D


Hi all! 
          I thought it to be important to inform you that I have moved platforms from Wattpad to Archive of Our Own (Ao3) where I am currently writing content for the latest Netflix show - Wednesday. My username is my_morning_straitjacket. I have linked my profile below.


@Doctor_Mobius should add all your Bechloe ones to  Ao3.


I see no more bechloe, doc. Anyways, thank you for all the things that you had written for us. You're still the best! PS. Please don't erase your wattpad account and all bechloe stories. ❤️


At this stage, probably not.


Hi Doctor_Mobius,
          You are my favorite book writer. Can you please make another staubrey book please? Its your choice if you want im not forcing you. Thank you for listening.


@Bechloestorys Hi! Sorry to take so long to reply. I haven't occupied Wattpad in come time. Unfortunately, I no longer write Bechloe and Staubrey. But I will leave my work up for others to enjoy.


Hi Doctor_Mobius! This is just an appreciation of your books lol. I still can't get over the fandom even tho it's been 10yrs ago. Reading fanfics (especially urs) helps me cope lol.
          Thank you so much for your page! 
          I'm curious tho if you have an A03 account


I'll make sure to check it out!!


@millsaridie Hi there! Sorry for the delay in response. I appreciate your support and love for my work. Yes, I do have an Ao3 account - my_morning_straitjacket.


Hi! Dr.Mobius can you make season 2 of Bechloe Sanity please


Hi there @JzmnChloe! I have thought about doing a sequel, however, I think it's best left as a stand-alone piece, and, if I did write a sequel, I doubt it would measure up to the first. 
            Fun fact about Sanity: I originally planned the book to be 30 chapters long but it turned into 58 instead! All the more reason why I think a sequel wouldn't do the first any justice!


Hi, all! I hope you're well and are staying safe during these trying times.
          I wanted to let you know that I haven't forgotten about those of who you have submitted requests. I promise will get to them but when I will is a matter of uncertainty. I am quite busy and because of that, my writer's block likes to rear its ugly head. I take pride in my work and I like to make sure every story is entertaining and leaves you smiling. I would rather take the time to do that than rush my work and have it be horrible.
          I'd like to thank you all for your patience and understanding. I still enjoy writing for you and I will do my best to reduce the amount of time between updates.
          Look after one another and stay tuned!


@Doctor_Mobius I really love all your stories. Hope you can write some soon..


Hey I just finished your book called “bechloe-one for my baby” I was just wondering if you made a second part to it or ever would make one. Your books are amazing thank you, keep up the good work!


Hello, there! Thank you very much! I’m glad you enjoyed it. No, I haven’t made a sequel. I thought about it but my ideas ran short I’m afraid. I will update when I can. 