
@BaddestBoftheWest your not the only one T0T




@Dodozoi17 that fact that before I even clicked on n it I knew EXACTLY what it was 



@BaddestBoftheWest your not the only one T0T




@Dodozoi17 that fact that before I even clicked on n it I knew EXACTLY what it was 

Dodozoi17 if anyone tries and bully me or anyone i know.....ima be simon in this situation


@Dodozoi17 high-key, whenever I see you post a message, I'm just happy, bc I be so bored and have no friends TOT


my gremlins im going have to put my signature of my user name on every drawing i do because i was on my phone and got a message from mouthwashing community and i did that infected curly and a freaking leader or idk owner i think commented and told me they liked the infected curly but if its not my art i need to credit the owner....sure i can i can credit myself and told me i need to show proof its mine T0T i did and told me hmmm okie then its yours but you need to sign your art so no one can steal it so yeah im going to start doing that now....cuz im afraid which i new this day would come....*sigh starting now which whenever i post a art im going to put my signature so no one and tell me if i stole it or they will steal my drawings also i know yall would say why didn't you do it?? well...i never thought of putting a signature in the first place because im focusing on which to draw and it wouldn't be seen since i always put white signatures which is the only color i like which i can do yeah if anyone plans on stealing my art or drawings im going to find you and spam show its your drawing or draw in a blank board to see if thats really your art style and i did almost crash out thinking the owner wouldn't believe me T0T


@Dodozoi17 well, to be safe and avoid drama, you would need to put ur signature on it so people won't steal it, and besides, you prob took very long to make it, bc this gen is COOKED, and people would do ANYTHING to get recognized. Be safe out there sis!!! ^﹏^


hello....I will come back to writing again right now this week i will put the shot of mouthwashing on hold until i come back next monday...because i couldn't have time to write because stuff gets in the way like always....but its spring break next week so i will return to write shots everyday for the spring week starting monday not this weekend because i always have unknown plans which makes me not write shots during weekends and for the contagium Au well.....I won't able to finish it on time since school and my family doesn't give me time to draw scenes which their sketchs tho..only have 1 down i hope i can do at least 4 or 3 chapters at least tho for this month and april which will be my heres a deal... if i finished chapter 3 or 4 and my birthday comes and i turn 15.....I will do a kinda face reveal...but only a mask or self drawn Oc to cover my face cuz well im still a minor which i know im teenager but still counts as a minor tho... and fear if my old friends will find me T0T anyways i also have another fandom story i will do but that one will be on hold when i finished the 3 or 4 chapters.....anyways thats my heads up...for today...I guess i see you gremlins....okie bye


@Dodozoi17 it didn't catch my emoji, don't clock me ok TOTTTT


I literally can't wait until u drop the new mouthwashing fanfic!!!!!


Unless, I ACTUALLY read the text book for 2 and a half months until leap TOTTT


I'm homeschooled tho TOT, and everytime I'm homeschooled, I get lazy, I do nothin else but math and spanish


the lore (idk what happen to it): 3 months after the crew heading to the cargo trip in space the crew were doing their daily tasks as they began to head to bed including the captain as he was in the bathroom getting ready as he was brushing his teeth and realized he ran out of his own mouthwash he packed so he think for a second and realized maybe the cargo might have the mouthwashs the workers packet for them so he grabbed his flash light and went to the cargo and putted the code as the door open for him and saw the first box in front of him as he open it and saw it the mouthwashing from the commercial was bit dark teal maybe the company was just grabbing money he took one with him....the next morning the crew were having breakfast as daisuke makes jokes with swansea and Y/n Anya noticed curly is not feeling well as he looks like so she confronted him as he said he's kinda okay but he woke up and began to vomit then after the vomit he


@Dodozoi17 ooooh this looks like good lore ^﹏^


also its mixed up as well


this is 1 since i can't write long


by's the time for the two to leave as they flee away from him as Anya closed the door trying and hold it down as jimmy looked at his arm bleeding not even helping only caring himself but Curly began to bang on the door trying and grab anya as the door slides open and Curly preparing to bite anya as swansea punched curly knocking him down as swansea held the door with his axe in his hands as daisuke and Y/n went to anya helping her wounds not caring about jimmy cuz...we don't like him then seconds of no one speaking silence as curly stopped banging the door as swansea was relieved and let go of the door Y/n told anya what was going on in a whisper tone to see if curly can hear whoever is around if they become loud * Anya nodded and cried quitely as y/n and daisuke walked with her telling her its okay leaving swansea and jimmy 
          Swansea:you bastard....caring your self....
          Jimmy:what? i just dont want the monster to bite me 
          Swansea: tsk* yeah 
          so the crew are going to have to figure out whats going on with curly what turned him into a monster...or cause him to bite anya and jimmy...even figured out if the mouthwash was actually the cause daisuke thinks this is like a zombie movie the scratch will be lead into infection even including bite which will be also infected


as he began to act weird and smiling creepily, mumbling and saying something about the mouthwashing from the cargo as Y/n and daisuke caught Curly drinking the mouthwash as they told em its not good for em and he can't be drinking em but they told swansea, and Anya even jimmy about this as anya got very worried about whats going on with Curly❤️ for swansea he did suggest to hide the mouthwashs or break the code which the crew did try the trick but the captain would be mad yelling at them to give him the drinks till he manages to find some of em which were figuring out how daisuke nervously joked saying maybe he sniff for them? which no one laughed....jimmy on the other hand didn't care what was going on a bit as he's worried he might die first....which he hope to get away from the other crew.
          DAY 4. Becoming a monster
          5 days passed since the Captain was sick after he started to apologize to the crew saying he just didn't have a good rest which begs the question why does he even want the mouthwash in the first place....he never confirmed why but he just felt like he...wanted to drink more of em.. till it was night (i know its space lol) the crew were at the living room as anya was heading to the living room area till she heard the screaming ....(the drawings will explain) as anya tried and get the answer of why he looks like he's turning insane smile (its like cartoon cat smile) as another footsteps came by as jimmy saw whats going on and told anya why is he smiling like that she didn't know till jimmy told curly maybe its the captain's insanity turning him into a creep....till no responses as jimmy turn curly around as he saw his whole Curly couldn't control himself and lung at jimmy but he grabbed Anya and threw her on him but missed as he grabbed jimmy and bite him in the arm anya saw what was going on and tried and get him off as he tried and bite her but missed as his hand scratched her arm so anya grabbed a nearby lamp and slammed it on curly as it by.

Dodozoi17 also my bday in 1 turning 15....T0T


@Nsimp1 also early early happy bday :3


@Nsimp1 T0T damn you older than me....well 2 years older tho


@Dodozoi17 that's awesome I turn 18 in like 8 months


then bit of vision loss and a headace and feeling his body heating up, Anya told him to meet her after breakfast so she can examine him he nodded as they continue eating breakfast after everyone was done eating Curly gave them their task as daisuke, and Y/n even swansea noticed as they told him is he okay worrieing about the sick looking captain he nodded as he thinks its just illness since he didn't get good rest much last night even when he woke up they nodded and told him hope he gets better. So Curly went to Anya's office as she told him to sit in the patients bed as she got some stuff prepared and began to examined him checking his eyes his pupils kinda reacting to the light as he kinda move away from it as if its affecting him she wrote it down and next she did was check his temperture as it went to 101.0 she wrote the temeperture number and gave him ice pack as he place it on his forehead so she gave curly pill's as he shallowed em as Anya turn to curly saying well theres nothing much and its a illness he has probably heat illness common for anyone whos over work also having a heat body which will cause you to be sick so i suggest having a cold shower for your body to slowey heat down but do you know what you ate last night the vomiting can be cause by food as well so curly thought for a second and shaked his head* well no before i head to bed i ran out of my mouthwash went and go to the cargo and got in and got the mouthwash when i went back to my bedroom all i did was usual sip the mouthwash and spit it out in the sink...which the color was kinda not the same in the commercial it was like bit dark teal...*Anya thought for a sec as she said* maybe the mouthwash was expired or the worker putted a wrong ingredient for the color?... Curly didn't responded but shrugged* could be...but thank you for checking up on me Anya *as she nodded* get rest..
          DAY 3. infection makes someone crave...
          After Curly only got bit better but he began to act weird as he


@Dodozoi17 chat, LOCK IN FOR THIS