
Just noticed you've given "Knowing Xavier" a chance. So I'm dropping by to let you know that I truly appreciate it and hope you'll find my work worth-it. Feedback and comments are more than welcome. Once again, thank you so much for making my day better ❤️


Heyyyy.... I am posting this msg on your profile with high hopes and more than high anticipation. I am writing a new werewolf book "The Wolf and his Moon". Few chapters are already up. Updates are frequent and the chapters are long.
          Please check it out and share your views. They mean a lot to me.
          I sincerely hope that you give my story a chance and like it. Fingers crossed!!!
          Have a good day ahead!!!


Here are other 6 options
          Plug your phone into a charger. ...
          Try turning your phone off the regular way. ...
          Force your phone to restart. ...
          Remove the battery if you can't force a restart. ...
          Delete apps that are causing yourAndroid to freeze. ...
          Perform a factory reset if your phone won't boot up.


Alright here are some options,
          1.Delete snapchat (if u know ur login information)
          2. Delete all storage (apps, pictures,videos)
          3.Press and hold on the off/on button when its on until the screen turns dark and charge it at the same time 
          4. Leave the battery out of the phone for a couple of minutes. 
          5.just update the phone, if you dont know how go to settings If u have the search button on settings Search up, Update and just continue . 


@xSweetdhaddyx oh hell no I don't got time for dat!! What do I look like spending 10 mins tryin to fix snap I'mma just reset it if that doesn't work I'll just delete the app and then download it again 