
..... I will say a bit about myself - I be stow happiness and ice cream upon you children ..because the world is so beautiful ...I adore the color purple, I'm extreamly into animie/manga, art is my life but I want to be a graphic novelist in my future because in love reading to no ends point...IN THE NAME OF LOR CHIBARA I DECLARE THAT I AM THE ORIGINAL DOHNUTMONSTER88 !! HUZZAAHHH ..I'm LITERALLY the clumsiest and spacey person alive and will most likely to die from tripping or running into things (like poles,signs,walls,people,my feet,nothing..yes I really do trip over nothing) I,m born in the year of the dragon and my astrology zodiac is pieces (that makes me a water dragon he he he) ..I also tend to talk to much *solute*


..... I will say a bit about myself - I be stow happiness and ice cream upon you children ..because the world is so beautiful ...I adore the color purple, I'm extreamly into animie/manga, art is my life but I want to be a graphic novelist in my future because in love reading to no ends point...IN THE NAME OF LOR CHIBARA I DECLARE THAT I AM THE ORIGINAL DOHNUTMONSTER88 !! HUZZAAHHH ..I'm LITERALLY the clumsiest and spacey person alive and will most likely to die from tripping or running into things (like poles,signs,walls,people,my feet,nothing..yes I really do trip over nothing) I,m born in the year of the dragon and my astrology zodiac is pieces (that makes me a water dragon he he he) ..I also tend to talk to much *solute*


let your world be the way you want it to be....I choose to imagine ..I choose to dream..and I choose to create. if neither path suits you, and you won't ''fit in'' in the path every one else say you should take without changing who you are ..then make your own path.
          I would rather be my self then be fake to fit in..if you except me then I'm glad ..otherwise I do not care the way you are I will except you for you