
New Book >:D


Been taking awhile, sorry lol-
          Got entirely fixated on a couple of other fandoms, as well as trying to come with a cover for Rebound. But now I'm fixated on Fms again
          [Don't know how long that's going to last- we'll see]


I've been working on a new book, one chapter done and another chapter halfway done, and I will be posting it when the both chapters are finished as well as the cover.
           But not only that the next chapter of Heroes' Abandon is nearly done, and I am already planning the next chapter of Essence + a meme chapter for the meme book.
          I'm also working on multiple other aus to put in my FavreMySabre Stuff book, aka the What If Sabre was a Biome Steve. Already have Obsidian Steve and Desert Steve down, don't know which Biome Steve to work on next though (any suggestions?).
          (Also still working on the Chromatober 2024 book)
          Making sure not to overwhelm myself though so I'm doing it all at my own pace. 


@DollVernZ FOREST STEVE- Sorry- Forests are my favorite


@DollVernZ Maybe Ocean next? That could have some fun ideas :>
            Excited for all of the upcoming stuff!


You know I'm kinda tempted to change my username, I just don't feel very connected to DollVernZ, haven't really actually, it was thought of on the spot. And I already have a new user in mind, one that isn't being used. The Z is staying of course.


I'm keeping this account just changing the name that is all


That is fine. But  are you making a new account and changing the name or keep the account but different name?


I think I need a lucky rabbit's paw or lucky penny with how much bad luck keeps befalling me. 
           I bit the inside of my mouth, now there's a small injury in my mouth that's making it hard to drink, eat, and talk. That and I've been nervously biting at my lips so put sore lips on top of that small mouth injury!
          And anzjcjdl- I just have not had the best of times these past few months and November has barely just begun-
           And writers block and art block is hitting me like a train- hhhhh, trying to just push through it and do what I've been wanting to do.
           Anyways this was also a 'Yo, I'm alive' as well. I'm still feeling unwell but I think I'm getting better! Thank goodness!


Okay so, It's very likely that I won't be finishing the prompts this month as I am behind, and I do not wish to rush them.
           There are also many reasons why I fell so behind, October was/is just not my month it appears. A lot of things have been happening. Been feeling overly stressed out for reasons I wish not to talk about.
           And my will to write keeps coming and going, I get it back and try to write then suddenly it's gone again. 
          Also I am feeling quite unwell, I've been feeling unwell for what would be about two weeks now! Started off as being sick but then it went away, and now it's just feeling horrid, don't know how to explain it.
          It might just be because of my health problems that are adding to all of that. I really do not know. 
           My life is just, all over the place. Constantly. 
          It's like a rollercoaster, that's the easiest description of it all. 
           However there's a chance that my writing, inspiration, and ideas hit me like a truck out of nowhere and give me the want to actually do everything again. It's happended many times before, so we shall see.


@DollVernZ and hope you are feeling ok


@DollVernZ Don’t worry about it bud, there’s no pressure on finishing them. It’s all for fun and you can always come back later to write them :>


Me: oh I can't wait to write things for the prompts I have so many ideas for them :D. Oh I also have ideas for new aus! Maybe I can draw something about them! I also want to draw spooky stuff maybe my persona in a halloween costume!
          [Gets hit with both writer and art block]


@DollVernZ Oof- I know how that feels T-T
            Hope it goes away soon-


So yesterday Wattpad was being stupid so I was unable to do the chromatober prompt. Stupid as in it was glitching all of my drafts, both chapters and stories. Might not be able to do today's prompt either as I am exhausted and just want to relax.
           Also yet again, I have another Kirby game! :D
          That and I've been surprisingly busy. Went to a comic con that was in my town and a festival. Been working on my Halloween costume, and drew something for a game Halloween art contest (took 13 hrs). 
           So as I've said, I've been busy.