
looking forward to catching up with your work this weekend. it's so exciting to be able to tell you how well you are doing as a writer.


you sound like an intriguing writer, i cant wait to read some of your pieces and and to get your feedback on mine. I'm a new writer here, so i don't quite post a lot, but i love reading and i have a lot to share. Thanks for fanning me!


lasttimetraveler - I can share my short stories and the small things that I write with you, including my blogs, but my books are adult content. 
          People judge everything, and writers are most vulnerable to it because we pour the truth of who we are, what we know and see into them. 
          I just remember that what I've been given to see and understand that comes through my writing is more than just my vanity or ego. It's the source of my greatest love and thus it must be held as sacred. Ultimately it's the writer themselves, as the master of their hearts and their art, who must know when to declare their work as perfect and further untouchable by any critic. 
          Grammar and the technical, well, that can always be reviewed for creating greater clarity of meaning. That's just the craft of language, which can be improved or matured, but the art of writing, that's so ephemeral and mystical you have to be careful not to eradicate it from what you write with left-brained rules and regulations.
          On the other hand, if what I write don't fit language as some hoity-toity (an old slang term, even older than me - look it up - look-down-your-nose-at-me kinda person would have me write, well, harrumph to that! And in 40 years of writing there's been some, including Marion Zimmer Bradley telling me she didn't know why I bother to write. How rude! 
          It was a great story, too, one that emotionally touched me very deeply. It's called FireFear! and it's on my story blog:
          I did revise it after her comment - some 10 years or so later. I got more detailed oriented in it so the next readers wouldn't miss the point I was making. Let me know what you think if you read it.
          Above all, even if I never publish anything ever again, I will have and keep my absolute love of writing. It's the source and inspiration that consistently feeds me.


I heard you're @ulove7810 's friend? I can't wait to read your books. The thing that i'm looking forward to is the way you write you're book. I spice my books up, making them embarrassing, funny, kind, adventurous, interesting, etc. People  judge my writing. I use that. And those people know who i'm talking about. Use everything you can. Pm me for questions!