Announcer: Calling all my WOF Writers!!!!!!!! Are you ready for the greatest completion of all time!!!! *Crowd Cheers* Well let me present the one and only host of the WOF Writing Challenge!! *Crowd Cheers louder then stops when I get on stage*
Me: Testing Testing *Mic Feedback* Ow......Well hello everyone.....
Announcer: *Whispers to me*
Me: Oh right
Me: Are Y'all ready? *I say and the crowd cheers very very loudly*
Me: Good cause we've got a lot to discus, first the fact that not a singe one of you has not even registered to enter the writing challenge is unacceptable!
Me: Second, Come on Y'all LOVEEEEEE writing. It's like second nature to you! And also Y'all love WOF!!!! So the two combined should be well.....*makes explosion noises* EXPLOSIVE.
Me: So why have I gotten no registration!
*Everyone starts making up excuses*
Me: Actually, I don't want to hear the excuses! All I just want you to sign up! Imagine winning this though! You'd be so amazing and you would earn my respect and so many others respect! Also if you want to do this Anonymously because you're uncomfortable sharing your writing....well here's an opportunity!
Anyways I better see some registration, and if you don't just know I can see you!
Here's the Link! (●'◡'●)