"¡Hijo de puta!"
Name: Kiri.
Nickname: Blueberry.
Last Name: Kitsune.
Age: 5-10(underground) 10-18 (Above ground/ training) 18-29 (Scouts).
Gender: Male.
Pronouns: He/Him.
Sexuality: Gay.
Ethnicity: 75% Mexican/ 25%Japanese.
Height: 5'7 (Short boi).
Weight: 170.
Backstory: Kiri was born in the underground. His mother had abandoned him when he turned five, leaving him to fend for himself. He had became a thief by the time he was 6, him being called "The Black Cat", when he was 10 Erwin found him and offered him life above ground. after that Kiri thought of him as a father. he soon joined the scouts and became a squad leader.
Looks: Brown skin, Subtle muscles, Hai that was shaved all around but the top shoulder length and put into a pony tail, bright blue hair with darker blue fade, Dark red eyes, A claw like scar on his right eye.
Extra: Kiri suffers from insomnia, And when he's upset/angry he starts speaking fluent Spanish.
"Oi!, Pull your head out of your a*ss!"
Regiment: Scouting regiment.
Ranking: Squad Leader.
Squad: His own.
Personality: Cold at first, Actually really soft, Kind, Loving.
Flaws: Insomnia, tends to bottle up his emotions, tries to save Erwin way to much.
Likes: Tea, Sitting on tree branches, Star gazing, Snow, Cleaning, talking to Erwin.
Dislikes: Titans, Stuck-Ups, Being made fun of because of his height, bad cleaning.
Fears: Being forgotten, People leaving him because of his emotions, Erwin dying.
Dreams: To live happily.
Skills: 3D maneuver gear, Kenjutsu (Swordsmen ship)
"Fine, only for you"
Cooperation: 3.5/5
Speed: 4/5
Flexibility: 5/5
Reflexes: 3/5
Power: 4/5
Stamina: 3.5/5
Jumping: 2/5
Technique: 3/5
Intelligence: 3/5
Sympathy: 0/5
Overall: 31/45
Friends: Levi, Hange, Erwin, Eren, Armin, Mikasa, Sasha.
Best Friends: Erwin, Eren, Levi.
Main love interest: Levi.
" Rest in peace "