
I am grateful to those of you who read my work on here. Thank you. It gives me pleasure to know that.


Hi Donna, 
          seems I've  come to the party a bit late - was just wondering what is the latest concerning Revelation.  You said at the end you have a second book in the wings but I thought Revelation was the second book!  So I there a sequel ?


            Hi M. For the moment there's only Diary of a Dead Girl followed by (R)Evolution. Revelation is in the pipeworks but I don't have a time/date as to when I'll have it completed. I hope you enjoyed the first two books. 
            Kind Regards


I'm sorry to hear about your health hope you get better soon. which story you finish first is up to you, i'd. rather you take care of yourself first thats more important. i'm not going anywhere and your fans aren't either. so only write when you feel up to it.


thank you for answering. i really enjoyed reading your book. i asked about your writing was my way of being polite to check to see if you were still around and writing. i know it must drive authors crazy when fans get aggressive about updating. i know it irritates me to see it. they forget everyone writes at own pace and have lives that may or may not interfere with it. can't wait to read more from you.