Hello everybody! I know I haven't made any posts at all on here lately, (not even on this "conversations tab") so I kinda wanted to rant about some stuff that's been bugging me lately and probably reiterate stuff I've said 100's of times. So, first off, I'd like to talk about people being super angry at my jokes and opinions. I know that I talk a TON about this topic, but I'll try to reiterate it. People really need to lighten up and get off their high horses when it comes to comedy. I was making a joke about cancer in one of my classes quite a while ago, and I'm a loud guy so somebody heard me other than the person I was talking to. They were yelling about how joking about cancer and stuff is insensitive and they they lost a loved one from cancer. They were getting pretty mad, so I just ignored them to not make them more angry. I honestly have no clue why they were freaking out so bad. I know that cancer is a terrible thing, and I lost my grandfather, who I loved very dearly and looked up to as my role model, from cancer. My grandmother has had breast cancer multiple times and cancer runs in my family, but despite that I still joke about it. If people constantly live life restricting others and pushing away things that make them feel bad, they'll ultimately end up being unsocialable, bored, and sad. Comedy and taking everything lightly is really the only reason I'm even remotely happy, other than being in a first world country with great parents and friends. There will always be people who are insensitive, so you need to be the one to change. If I offend you, you need to change yourself so I don't offend you. I enjoy offending people and always will. (1/2).

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@DontBeAWeeb Another topic I want to talk about is Thirteen Reasons Why and teen suicide in general. I have seen the entire series if Thirteen Reasons Why and I just want to say that it sucks total donkey dick. Hannah Baker is such a selfish and stupid character that really shows nothing about how depression works. (Spoiler warning) First of all, all if Hannah's reasons for killing herself are bull. She was not the one raped, she at least attempted to save that man's life by trying to call the police, she was only a whore because she didn't try to prevent it. If anything, I would think the girl who was raped would kill herself. There are many reasons more than those about why she killed herself, but I really didn't like the series, so I didn't pay too much attention to it when I watched it. Hannah had great parents who loved her and Clay obviously loved her, so killing herself and making everyone, even Clay, feel terrible was super selfish of her. The fact that she had so many outlets to get help, yet still killed herself is selfish. I used to have severe depression and wanted more than anything to kill myself, but I didn't because I'm a decently smart person and realized I had my family that loved me and would miss me if I did kill myself, so I stopped being a selfish pussy and grew some balls. I can understand suicide when you don't have anyone who loves you, but Hannah had her parents and Clay who loved her very much. Then, she had to go out of her way to make Clay feel even worse. Seriously, Hannah is a sorry excuse for a human and I'm glad that she killed herself in the show. She is selfish and heartless. People should not look to this show for awareness of anything. Suicide is an issue, but most of it is children that were too selfish to think of someone other than themselves. Let those kids die and raise awareness for kids that have no outlets for help or loved ones. That's all I have to say. Goodnight.