
Hello everybody! I know I haven't made any posts at all on here lately, (not even on this "conversations tab") so I kinda wanted to rant about some stuff that's been bugging me lately and probably reiterate stuff I've said 100's of times. So, first off, I'd like to talk about people being super angry at my jokes and opinions. I know that I talk a TON about this topic, but I'll try to reiterate it. People really need to lighten up and get off their high horses when it comes to comedy. I was making a joke about cancer in one of my classes quite a while ago, and I'm a loud guy so somebody heard me other than the person I was talking to. They were yelling about how joking about cancer and stuff is insensitive and they they lost a loved one from cancer. They were getting pretty mad, so I just ignored them to not make them more angry. I honestly have no clue why they were freaking out so bad. I know that cancer is a terrible thing, and I lost my grandfather, who I loved very dearly and looked up to as my role model, from cancer. My grandmother has had breast cancer multiple times and cancer runs in my family, but despite that I still joke about it. If people constantly live life restricting others and pushing away things that make them feel bad, they'll ultimately end up being unsocialable, bored, and sad. Comedy and taking everything lightly is really the only reason I'm even remotely happy, other than being in a first world country with great parents and friends. There will always be people who are insensitive, so you need to be the one to change. If I offend you, you need to change yourself so I don't offend you. I enjoy offending people and always will. (1/2).


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@DontBeAWeeb Another topic I want to talk about is Thirteen Reasons Why and teen suicide in general. I have seen the entire series if Thirteen Reasons Why and I just want to say that it sucks total donkey dick. Hannah Baker is such a selfish and stupid character that really shows nothing about how depression works. (Spoiler warning) First of all, all if Hannah's reasons for killing herself are bull. She was not the one raped, she at least attempted to save that man's life by trying to call the police, she was only a whore because she didn't try to prevent it. If anything, I would think the girl who was raped would kill herself. There are many reasons more than those about why she killed herself, but I really didn't like the series, so I didn't pay too much attention to it when I watched it. Hannah had great parents who loved her and Clay obviously loved her, so killing herself and making everyone, even Clay, feel terrible was super selfish of her. The fact that she had so many outlets to get help, yet still killed herself is selfish. I used to have severe depression and wanted more than anything to kill myself, but I didn't because I'm a decently smart person and realized I had my family that loved me and would miss me if I did kill myself, so I stopped being a selfish pussy and grew some balls. I can understand suicide when you don't have anyone who loves you, but Hannah had her parents and Clay who loved her very much. Then, she had to go out of her way to make Clay feel even worse. Seriously, Hannah is a sorry excuse for a human and I'm glad that she killed herself in the show. She is selfish and heartless. People should not look to this show for awareness of anything. Suicide is an issue, but most of it is children that were too selfish to think of someone other than themselves. Let those kids die and raise awareness for kids that have no outlets for help or loved ones. That's all I have to say. Goodnight.


Hello everybody! I know I haven't made any posts at all on here lately, (not even on this "conversations tab") so I kinda wanted to rant about some stuff that's been bugging me lately and probably reiterate stuff I've said 100's of times. So, first off, I'd like to talk about people being super angry at my jokes and opinions. I know that I talk a TON about this topic, but I'll try to reiterate it. People really need to lighten up and get off their high horses when it comes to comedy. I was making a joke about cancer in one of my classes quite a while ago, and I'm a loud guy so somebody heard me other than the person I was talking to. They were yelling about how joking about cancer and stuff is insensitive and they they lost a loved one from cancer. They were getting pretty mad, so I just ignored them to not make them more angry. I honestly have no clue why they were freaking out so bad. I know that cancer is a terrible thing, and I lost my grandfather, who I loved very dearly and looked up to as my role model, from cancer. My grandmother has had breast cancer multiple times and cancer runs in my family, but despite that I still joke about it. If people constantly live life restricting others and pushing away things that make them feel bad, they'll ultimately end up being unsocialable, bored, and sad. Comedy and taking everything lightly is really the only reason I'm even remotely happy, other than being in a first world country with great parents and friends. There will always be people who are insensitive, so you need to be the one to change. If I offend you, you need to change yourself so I don't offend you. I enjoy offending people and always will. (1/2).


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@DontBeAWeeb Another topic I want to talk about is Thirteen Reasons Why and teen suicide in general. I have seen the entire series if Thirteen Reasons Why and I just want to say that it sucks total donkey dick. Hannah Baker is such a selfish and stupid character that really shows nothing about how depression works. (Spoiler warning) First of all, all if Hannah's reasons for killing herself are bull. She was not the one raped, she at least attempted to save that man's life by trying to call the police, she was only a whore because she didn't try to prevent it. If anything, I would think the girl who was raped would kill herself. There are many reasons more than those about why she killed herself, but I really didn't like the series, so I didn't pay too much attention to it when I watched it. Hannah had great parents who loved her and Clay obviously loved her, so killing herself and making everyone, even Clay, feel terrible was super selfish of her. The fact that she had so many outlets to get help, yet still killed herself is selfish. I used to have severe depression and wanted more than anything to kill myself, but I didn't because I'm a decently smart person and realized I had my family that loved me and would miss me if I did kill myself, so I stopped being a selfish pussy and grew some balls. I can understand suicide when you don't have anyone who loves you, but Hannah had her parents and Clay who loved her very much. Then, she had to go out of her way to make Clay feel even worse. Seriously, Hannah is a sorry excuse for a human and I'm glad that she killed herself in the show. She is selfish and heartless. People should not look to this show for awareness of anything. Suicide is an issue, but most of it is children that were too selfish to think of someone other than themselves. Let those kids die and raise awareness for kids that have no outlets for help or loved ones. That's all I have to say. Goodnight.


Hey, so I know that most people don't use Wattpad anymore, I think. I only posted this to notify my followers on here about my posts in this "conversations" tab. I've made a few posts on here about stuff I wanted to talk about. Most of it is outdated, and most of it is my opinion, too. I put my opinions on here a lot, and it's mostly on societal movements like feminism. I base my opinions off of fact and use fact, so a trigger warning should be set for anyone who is sensitive and reads it (It might contadict your opinion - oh no!). Believe want you want, I'm not a jerk. There's swearing in most of it, so don't read if you dislike strong language. I don't think swearing is wrong. The word only has power I'd you believe it does. I swear to emphasize points. Anyways, you can read or don't, I don't care. I just wanted to alert anyone that they can.


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I'm going to rant in this post about equality... spooky. So, I'm going to preface this by saying that I believe all people should be treated equally, and am not a misogynistic cuck, racist, or anything of that sort. I feel all people are entitled to rights as humans. Now, I will get into my rant. I fucking hate shit like first world feminism, the black lives matter movement, and SJW progressive bullshit. I don't disagree with their message that everyone in America should be treated equally as humans, but the fact of the matter is: EVERY PERSON IS LEGALLY ENTITLED TO THE SAME EQUAL RIGHTS AS ANYONE ELSE, REGARDLESS OF WHATEVER. I have no clue what people are attempting to attain by fighting for equal rights, because they have them. Feminists basically complain about two main problems; rape and the wage gap. The wage gap isn't real, in fact, women are starting to be payed MORE than men because of their nonstop complaining. You can't stop rape by marching, too, it's like going up to a person with down syndrome and walking and complaining so they won't be disabled anymore. It won't fucking do trash. No rapist will see women marching and be like "Oh shit, I think I should stop raping people." I might've already posted something complaining about this, but I can't be assed to remember. The BLM movement just victimizes the African American race and causes racism against whites. (1/X)


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I saw my sister's boyfriend's daughter today wearing a shirt that said "women's rights are human rights". That makes no goddamn sense statistically because women make up less than half of the population. It also acts as though bringing up women's rights, of which they are already equal in first world countries, will also bring up the rights of everyone else. There are things men aren't equal to women on, like the right to the free speech of society. Women can say fucking whatever as long as it goes with the feminist regime, but men can't say shit because everyone thinks they're misogynists because of the media and feminist movement. Having movements that attempt to attain higher rights for a specific thing also prevent people that are opposites of that thing to be left in the dust because someone feels as though the person gaining more rights had less to begin with, when they were legally equal. Don't divide people into groups to gain equality, because that just causes more divides and issues. Human lives matter and Human rights are human rights. Fuck the feminist movement and other movements like it. I recently bought a shirt that says meninist on it because meninism fights for equality of men and women by increasing men's rights on things they aren't equal to women on, such as societal free speech. The funny thing is, feminists proved their point so much by calling everyone who was in the movement a sexist. In fact, the meninist movement was a mockery of first world feminism and is technically just a social experiment that went fantastic with proving their point. I'm a human rights advocate, not some retarded feminist or SJW. Fuck the feminist movement, BLM movement, SJW progressive movements, and movement like it. They are all pieces of shit. (2/2)


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(1/2) Hey, so I'm not going to put this in a book that I've posted because it isn't that important and I really don't think I should notify all of my followers, but I still wanted to speak about a problem I've been having socially. I have lost my ability to talk to people. It's not that I can't actually speak, but I've just lost my skill in conversation (if I ever possessed one). My social skills now are that I can quote memes, show memes, complain, or explain. I honestly have no clue how to talk to people as if I were an average person. People always say to talk about interests that you, the person you are talking to, or both talkers possess. This makes sense logically, but my interests are quite unorthodox and limited. I know a ton about a lot of things, but most of the things I know a lot about are things I dislike: the government, America-centralized leftist feminists, and people that attempt to dispute fact are examples, but the list goes on longer. I enjoy arguments with others, as I have previously stated, but all my complaining and shit gets me and others down, I think. There are quite few things that I actually enjoy talking about/are interested in, but most of them aren't suited for generalized conversation. I like to talk about memes, but they get decently old after a bit of talking about one. I like talking about science, physics, and mathematics, but the concepts I bring up are typically too intelligent for an average person to comprehend, thus making the conversation one-sided. I am extremely interested in birds and birdwatching, but how many people can say that one of their greatest interests are birds and know a lot about them? Also, I don't know much about birds despite being heavily interested in them, so I can't say much about it. 


(2/2) I love movies, books, symbolism, and that sort of artistic thing, but I mostly like deciphering them: learning the concepts of visual stimulation and the significance of small details in films and books that make them memorable are the kind of things I am talking about. Not many people know as much as I can tell them on the subject which makes the conversation one-sided again. If any normies can tell me how they can hold conversations for so long, please do. I would be much in your favour if you do. G'night everyone.


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Everyone PLEASE look up "Offensive Jokes the death of comedy" on YouTube. The thumbnail should have the words "I think it's hilarious Fuck you" on it. The video is by a channel called "bull brand". It is comedy genius 


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So I was just writing something on here but then fuCKING WATTPAD DELETED MY GODDAMN MESSAGE BECAUSE IT WAS TOO LONG!
          I'm not going to rewrite that whole jumble of shit tonight because it was a lot of stuff, so I'll just give the gist of what I was saying. 
            First I talked about how I was looking back at some old posts Jada made so I could get her a gift she would love, but not expect. I was doing this because she got me a FUCKING LUMINEERS VINYL WHICH I, OF COURSE, ALMOST MADE ME SHIT MYSELF BECAUSE IT WAS AMAZING! 
            In the post she made she talked about her friends from last year and it made me wish we were back to those times. I actually found it fun to be called gay over and over, and my Misha Collins gag was also really defining. I respect everyone's opinion on the matter, and I know I don't know the whole story but I want everything to be back that way mostly. I'm not taking Jada's side on the situation, but I remember everyone being really happy then and I was also actually enjoying my life more. I really want everybody to be happier because that is just the cheesy fuck I am. I picked up comedy because seeing people that I care about happy is legitimately the reason I picked up comedy and the reason I haven't fucking killed myself yet. I know that everyone has changed over the time that has passed since those days, and it would be almost impossible (or impossible) to have it become all that close to then.  I respect everyone's opinion on this matter, because I am uneducated on the situation and I'm also not a fucking prick. I know I shouldn't talk because I haven't been around the friends I'm talking to all that much lately either. This is my point of view, and I know it won't occur, but I can still cling to a fever dream of the past, nobody can deny me that. G'Night everyone, sorry for wasting your time. Also, if you don't know me personally you'll have no fucking clue what's going on in this.


@EmoFangirlChild I miss the old days quite a bit, but life has to go on, I guess. I'm sorry I haven't been talking to you guys lately, and I totally deserve to be hated by you guys. I am still friends with you, but I don't really show for some reason. I enjoy you guys, but I've changed as a person and can't hold conversations with anyone anymore unless it's about memes or just offensive stuff. I know I have no excuse for not talking to you guys, and I won't make one. Sorry again.


I just now realized i said "I picked up comedy because seeing people that I care about happy is legitimately the reason I picked up comedy." - Such a way with words.


Heya there my friends! So, you've all likely noticed my odd actions lately, such as becoming more antisocial, awkward, and distant. I am confused to the root of these problems, but one thing is for sure, my mind is growing hazy. These past two months in particular are very hazy and dreamlike for me. The days have just been growing dimmer and more dreamlike. I fear insanity in me, but that is just a worst-case scenario for this situation. I believe I can fix it, but I am not altogether sure. I kinda hope nobody reads this, but I must want at least one person to since I am posting it on a social media site. Maybe I just need time. I hope winter break will clear my head a bit. I might just be overwhelmed with the incessant need to be funny at all times. Comedy is very straining, surprisingly. Lack of sleep is another theory of mine, but I've never had these issues until now. Anyways, winter break cannot come soon enough.