Hey everybody! I'm back from the dead!... just kidding. My mom took her laptop back for a while. Anywho, I have news.
My uncle is recovering well from his massive stroke. He awake and answering yes/no questions, and he's out of the hospital. He's alive, and I'm thankful.
My mother is driving me crazy. She is stressed out, and I get that because of our money situation, but she is taking it out on my sister and I. She is constantly yelling at us. It's gotten to the point to when as soon as I turn 18 I'm moving out (or at least living in a dorm room).
On a happier note, I have finally gotten a boyfriend. :) We met about 6 months ago, and started dating last month. He goes to a different school than I do, but we talk everynight and I get to see him next weekend for my birthday. I'm so happy haha
I have finals coming up next month, but I'm gonna try and post a couple updates for each story. I'll try, at least.