Forgive me for not updating in forever but this week was hectic week for us. Like seriously. I literally can't write my name correctly anymore, my brain keeps malfunctioning, I keep spelling simple things wrong incorrectly, tarpaulin is an example, I can't even remember that "The glory that is Greece" thingy when I needed it earlier, my Tumblr posts are almost all queues, I CAN'T FINE MY SCROLL LOCK KEY *FIND. I didn't even relaize *realize I was tagged in a Tumblr post! The back of my brain hurts every few minutes and I still have to create an introduction and related literature page for our, no wait, scratch that! MY thesis, because no one's trying to UNDERSTAND me and the pressure of being a DL1 *!
But on a side note, SFIT is number 961 in romance! Weee! Couldn;'t be prouder! :3
But overall, I;'m fine. I have this urge to cry out in the pressure every few seconds but I'm fine,
(Have a good day sweeties. Don't worry, I'll update when the storm clears out :D Keep smiling~)