
Happy Birthday Alex Gaskarth you are amazing! Can't believe your so old!! (That was a joke... Not really) anyway I love you so much!! Hope your birthday goes well!! 


Just texted my friend and realized how depressed I sound, but to any of you out there who feel out of place, miss treated, or sad know that you can always come to me, I'm just a dm (daydream; song reference) away. Kinda sad now but maybe I'll update a story, it may make me even more down but it's for ya'll so... I hope you have a wonderful night!! Thanks for reading my stories!!


Hiya, I'm really bored and I don't want to go to school... dm me and I will update your chosen story... or you could dm me because you need someone to talk to.... either way works, and I'll listen to everything you've got to say.... yup.... I'm really tired . Okay well you guys have a good day!                                                                 -Doodlemuffin467