
Hey... guys. I'm so sorry. I was supposed to update like, a month ago, but a lot has happened and i;m so sorry. My great nana died, and then my dog, my best friend since, like, forever, died too. Plus there's all the crap going on with my role in the drama play we're doing, and I really need to work on my lines, so please forgive my readers, I am so sorry :(


Hi! I don't know if any of y'all are seeing this, but if you do see this, please spread the word!
          I am DopeJunkieMountain, aka the owner of this account. I am so terribly sorry that it has been 2 years since I updated BOTS! It's been a tough past two years for me since I last updated, and I would love to share it all with you guys so you don't hate me for not updating, but I can't, because I have forgotten my password! 
          DopeJunkieMountain was always a side account, and the account I am currently on has always been my main one. So to create DopeJunkieMountain I used a different email address than my main one, and since it's been so long, I don't remember what the password is, and I don't remember what the email is either. I have searched through my main email account for any signs of the login information with no such luck, and I also dug out my old ipod touch that I have had since 2009 and tried to find anything there. Again, that was a dead end.
          I am so so so so terribly sorry for how long it's been and for however long it takes me to recover the password. Please forgive me for the wait and I hope to update BOTS as soon as I can!


Hey... guys. I'm so sorry. I was supposed to update like, a month ago, but a lot has happened and i;m so sorry. My great nana died, and then my dog, my best friend since, like, forever, died too. Plus there's all the crap going on with my role in the drama play we're doing, and I really need to work on my lines, so please forgive my readers, I am so sorry :(


Okay, so I'm trying to make this chapter long, so I will post it up either Friday night or Saturday. Don't hate me! I just won't have time to write it all out, so I'll be writing little bits of it after my drama rehearsals. Hope you'll still read and love it! Thanks guys :) Love xx ~Cay


I suck. Majorly. It's been almost 3 months -_- I can't believe it. A lot has been going on though, I started 8th grade, and I get crap tons of homework (-_-), and I am in Drama Club, and I have a lot of lines in our upcoming play, A Christmas Story. We have practice at least 2 or 3 times a week. Plus, I'm almost failing science (I'm not very good at it...). But, I am trying.
          I will try to update BOTS as soooon as I can. Please hold out longer. Thanks x :)  Love xx ~Cay
          P.S. Thanks to all my new fans! Last time I checked, I had 60. Now I have 75! Thank you so much! :D <3