
Unplanned Wattpad communication blackout is at an end, dear friends. New chapter of Chain up, reads will resume presently, and I'm about ready to post my first review in Raker Reads. Sorry to all of those who've sent me read requests for falling off the face of the Earth. Back. Call off the search parties. Start the regular ones.


Unplanned Wattpad communication blackout is at an end, dear friends. New chapter of Chain up, reads will resume presently, and I'm about ready to post my first review in Raker Reads. Sorry to all of those who've sent me read requests for falling off the face of the Earth. Back. Call off the search parties. Start the regular ones.


A Chain Five Ways is now apparently ranked #3 in Renaissance. I'm not sure what that means for my grizzled mercenary story, really, but I do know that my course is clear. I've got duels to arrange with #2 and #1. 
          That's how these things go, right? Foils at dawn? Wattpad...?


Weak Links has its first two bite-sized stories up. Longer ones are in the offing. I've got five in the works right now, because I'm a crazy person. Weak Links should be updating twice a week from here on out. A Chain Five Ways will stick a little more religiously to the Friday updates. Promise. No more random mid-week chapters.
          Thanks again to any and all who read and comment. It warms the cockles of an old soldier's heart.


Chapter 17 of A Chain Five Ways is an absolute blast to write. It'll probably read a lot different to anyone who doesn't have the mental image of eight hard-bitten mercenaries thwarting an incursion Home Alone style to the tune of "Yakkety-Sax."