I love reading and writing. My imagination goes wild.
Love smut, erotic and love stories
Hope you guys enjoy my book
My first actually😊😌
Love y'all❤❤
  • IscrittoOctober 16, 2022

Ultimo messaggio
DorisWhyte DorisWhyte Apr 20, 2023 07:31PM
UpdateI just published "Chapter 6:Why are you everywhere!" of my story "Bad meets bad". https://www.wattpad.com/1326856116?utm_source=android&utm_medium=profile&utm_content=share_published&wp_page=c...
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Storia di Biobele Whyte
Bad meets bad di DorisWhyte
Bad meets bad
Kloe is a stubborn teen, always thinks about herself and nothing more.How will she react when she sees the op...
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