
@wtafovaries sue me for what? It's getting there.. I hope.


I absolutely love your story "Solitude"! It's great so far and I absolutely love your personality! Keep writing don't stop you're amazingly talented trust me! I hope you get this message but if you don't, it's okay I just want you to know that you're an amazing writer


@Sweet_Genious I'm sorry for not replying earlier! I get emailed for any messages, comments, private messages etc. I recieve. I'm kind of on and off of Wattpad, but I do still update (at a pace slower than a snail's though). But don't worry, I do read and eventually respond to everything. Thank you so much, you've absolutely made my day! And actually I'm writing right now shh...  But yes thank you again, pm me any time if you want to talk hon :) Have an amazing day! xoxo
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Thanks so much for adding Confessions to your reading list! Oh crap, I just realized I accidentally unfollowed you... Sorry! :) *Refollows*


@kikipower123  Okay then, now all I have to do is crop/resize Dorito.
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@kikipower123 Do you like this umbrella girl more for my background or the other one? I need to crop my profile pic...
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Thank you for following! Oh my gosh, my first follower! *happy dance* THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU :D


@fragmentsofagirl You're welcome! When I got my first real follower (one that wasn't a friend in real life) I was very. excited too. I'm glad I made your day (or night? I'm not too sure what time it is where you live...) :D
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Hello everyone! I have a new story, Dare Me. The first chapter will be published in a few weeks, maybe a month. It's a cliché romance book, so if that's not your type, you can check out, or keep reading, Solitude. ( I promise to have an update out sometime this week for that, fyi.) I need a cover for Dare Me, so if you're good at that stuff, PM me or email me at for more info. Thank you everyone! :)