this message may be offensive
The blatant disrespect that you have shown to 1) another author and 2) someone who was friends with you and existed in the same community spaces as you is genuinely disgusting. The fact the you have the audacity to consider plagiarising a story is obviously fucking stupid; the fact that you did it *again* after begging for forgiveness is even worse and, frankly, it's pathetic. You are so uncreative and boldly selfish that you couldn't even consider writing something remotely different from someone else's story, and you then proceed to delete awareness for fear of your own feeble, tiny reputation. You truly are scum, infuriating and abhorrant, with a tiny brain capable only of computing small spur of the moment decisions. Either that, or you are aware of your idiocy and choose to do stupid things as ragebait, and think you're smart for it (you aren't). And another thing as well: your username, even if not much, is similar to the original author's. How low are you willing to go for this? I could be making a stretch but it sure is an odd coincidence that yours and the username of the person you plagiarized have both a reference to devils and four numbers at the end. If I'm not grasping at straws and you did truly copy their username as well, do you know how pathetic you are? You are so pathetic that I've said it three times now, touching back down on the subject of your disgusting inferiority complex every once in a while just to remind you. You burned relationships with people that really did value you, twice; you ruined any possibility to rekindle and friendships. You wanted fame and you'll get it, but not how you wanted. Contrary to popular belief, not all publicity is good publicity. You've fucked around, and now you're going to find out. Good luck in the fallout; you likely won't recover very quickly.