
Well,I feel like a idiot. There's this really cool author and I requested on her HP one-shots book and didn't even reliase requests were closed until she told me. *face palms*


Q: Hogwarts Houses of your friends?
          A: Soph is a Slytherin, Max is (unsurprisingly) a Ravenclaw and Lils is a Gryffindor. So,we have all the houses.


My own friend group is like that but with different names


          Q: How do you spend time with your friends?
          A: With Sophie,we listen to music and I watch her dance or we dance together. Lili,we eat a ton of junk food and watch Total Drama. Max,we study or he helps me out w/ homework. If we all four hang out together Max'll try to make us study but Sophie will get a good song on and we all dance and she'll drag Max over. Then we'll study for a little bit. Then Lili will get a bunch of junk food and we'll all watch like Harry Potter or something until we fall asleep.