this message may be offensive
I feel nostalgic and a sense of mourning looking back through old posts, messages and replies. I grew up on this platform and it holds such sincere memories for me. It was a huge safe place. I do feel sad I grew so far from here, I don't think coming back would help much, it feels too different and I'm not the person I was when I first joined. For the better that is. I wouldn't know the people I know now without this platform and the doors it opened for me. I'm happy with the person I grew up to be. Kid me would be proud and happy with who I became. To the people I knew, who I met briefly, those I didn't and those I forgot - thank you. Y'all meant the world to younger me and I wouldn't have gotten here without any of it. Sorry for being so sappy, as I said I'm feel super fucking nostalgic right now. :) ♡

@DorkyNugget It really does. I don't think I could have a better time capsule of events in my life, there's for sure things I didn't log on here but I posted so much about so many events. I can't regret being on here that much, ofc there's things I'll always wish I'd never read LMAO but the memories will forever hold dear I'd kinda like to hope, since I've started reading fanfics again, (only one, it hasn't been updated in 2 years so I'm rereading it because the writing is 10/10), that maybe I'll return just a little here.

Same nugget. Coming back to it after a long time away kinda feels like opening a time capsule doesn’t it?