
"If I needed to bare my soul, I'd do so on paper. Writing was the safest way to bleed without breaking the skin."
          	-Jaime Reed (Keep Me In MInd)


Is there anyone out there who’s really truly Christian!?! People that don’t believe in evolution, that dislike homosexuals lifestyles but don’t hate their guts, that don’t call themselves Christians but do drugs&drop out of school!!! I’m sick&tired of having to deal with those people&only HOPE that their just gonna magically convert!! I also HATE it when people say “Oh, the lord accepts homosexuals, it says so in the bible,” or “I’m Mormon-Catholic, but that’s basically the same thing as Christianity,” & “I’m a good person so I AUTOMATICALLY get a VIP pass to HEAVEN!” Why can’t people understand that u have to accept Jesus as ur Lord&Savior so u can go to Heaven!!! Also, the Bible isn’t TRAILMIX!! U can’t just pick out what u like&throw the rest away! I DON’T EVEN KNOW WHY I’M WRITING THIS, NOBODY’S GONNA KNOW, OR CARE!!! Their just gonna think that I along with every other Christian r richest butts… So.. Bye.


@Dorkygirl3773 The Bible also says to love everyone.


@Dorkygirl3773  hey summer  how  are you doing