
I am thinking of starting a new Percy Jackson fanfiction. It would be a longer story, and would most likely be the first of two. It would be Pertimis, but not for a while. I don’t know when, but I have started the prologue. Should be up in a couple days at the most. Let me know if you have anything you want me to add or something. Happy thanksgiving! And if you don’t celebrate that, happy Thursday!


The first book will probably be called “The Secret War” and will be about the struggles we never heard about during the second titan war. I don’t want to say too much, a lot will be explained during the first few chapters. 


Sounds good, what sort of plot is it?
          	  Anyway, Happy Thursday to you too.


@DorritosRBomb will you update the secret war? and Betrayed


That's alright I just love the idea of secret war it's pretty original.


Definitely The Secret War, but probably not for a while, I have a lot of stuff happening and it is difficult to write at this time. For Betrayed, I don’t have plans right now, and I’m not happy with the way I wrote it. Basically, I don’t have any update plans right now, I’m sorry.


I am thinking of starting a new Percy Jackson fanfiction. It would be a longer story, and would most likely be the first of two. It would be Pertimis, but not for a while. I don’t know when, but I have started the prologue. Should be up in a couple days at the most. Let me know if you have anything you want me to add or something. Happy thanksgiving! And if you don’t celebrate that, happy Thursday!


The first book will probably be called “The Secret War” and will be about the struggles we never heard about during the second titan war. I don’t want to say too much, a lot will be explained during the first few chapters. 


Sounds good, what sort of plot is it?
            Anyway, Happy Thursday to you too.