• Norway
  • InscritOctober 20, 2014

Dernier message
DotDotKawaii DotDotKawaii Jan 10, 2015 05:18PM
Hi every follower^^ i just wanted to say that i wanted some requests bc i have nothing to do and i wondered if any of you acctually liked my stories haha. So please comment on my works^^
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Histoires par Jongsuk wifey
Who are you to tell me.... par DotDotKawaii
Who are you to tell me....
A couple of different stories in every chapter. I hope you will find a story that you can relate to in here. ...
ranking #220 dans la catégorie colour Voir tous les classements
In his arms par DotDotKawaii
In his arms
This story is a fanfiction of my favourite manga called "say i love you" Hope you all enjoy! Quick...
ranking #15 dans la catégorie sayiloveyou Voir tous les classements
"Great for my daughter" par DotDotKawaii
"Great for my daughter"
This is a ghost story. I hope its creepy. I would love for your comments^^
ranking #162 dans la catégorie dolls Voir tous les classements
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