
I think I've almost gotten the first chapter of my new book finished, look for it to be posted very soon!


You my darling... are brave and i may just be a stranger but Im proud of you for facing something that you probably have been avoiding to confront. So I read the post and I'll always be that stranger to read your book and be there of you need an encouraging comment or anything. Im here. So goodluck in getting better. I know you can do it


Okay so this is a really hard post for me to write. I'm sorry that I keep "returning" for all of you that still are into my books, if any of you. But, I've recently been seeing a therapist. No one knows but my parents and I. Ever since I was little I've been a liar. Yes I know everyone tells little white lies and such, but my lies have become a problem. It's not a documented psychiatric disorder, but my therapist says I show distinct signs of compulsive lying disorder. It's more on an addiction than a disorder. Basically, I've become very affluent at lying therefore I continue to lie and create these  abstract realities for myself. The compulsive part is where I can't stop myself, lying has become first nature. If you haven't noticed already the story Maybe I'm Amazed is deleted. Not all of it was a lie, but it was enough for me to delete it. I want to stop lying. I need to stop. My therapist told me that the best way to deal with my "addiction/disorder" or whatever you want to call it, is to find some form of creative outlet. Painting and drawing didn't work. Dancing and singing didn't work either. I was trying to avoid writing because I felt like it was just another realm for me to continue lying. However, she thinks differently. She thinks that by writing I can create a character, like myself, and play out their life. So here I am, I'm ready to start a new novel, not about me, but about a girl, who I haven't named yet, who lies a lot like I do. If you read it thank you. Hopefully I haven't offended anyone, I truly never meant to. If you have any questions please message me. I hope you all understand.


@DoubleStuffed I hope the therapist really helps! You are an amazing writer.