
          	So, I already mentioned this on my main account @keahlovee and you can go to that account for the full story.
          	The short version is: the last couple of months I've been having an identity crisis with my writing and used this account to experiment I guess??
          	Anywho, I'm going back to using my main account   since my crisis is over. I'll still use this account, but not as much.
          	Big thanks to anyone who has read Falling For Mr. Perfect and supported it ❤


I’m just now seeing this announcement. It said I was mentioned, but I couldn’t see weird. I’m glad you were able to overcome your writers block. I didn’t know you had a different account, I’ll make sure to check it out. 
          	  School has my full attention, but I’ll definitely try reading Falling For Mr. Perfect this week :)


@plum_blossom_1234 awe thank you sooo much!! I'm happy you enjoyed it ❤❤


          So, I already mentioned this on my main account @keahlovee and you can go to that account for the full story.
          The short version is: the last couple of months I've been having an identity crisis with my writing and used this account to experiment I guess??
          Anywho, I'm going back to using my main account   since my crisis is over. I'll still use this account, but not as much.
          Big thanks to anyone who has read Falling For Mr. Perfect and supported it ❤


I’m just now seeing this announcement. It said I was mentioned, but I couldn’t see weird. I’m glad you were able to overcome your writers block. I didn’t know you had a different account, I’ll make sure to check it out. 
            School has my full attention, but I’ll definitely try reading Falling For Mr. Perfect this week :)


@plum_blossom_1234 awe thank you sooo much!! I'm happy you enjoyed it ❤❤


The *FINAL* chapter of Falling For Mr. Perfect is up.
          I was going to write an epilogue, but I couldn't think of anything to add? I might do a bonus chapter in the future, but who knows?
          Anyways, big thanks to everyone who supported my story while I worked on it! Your support kept me motivated as I wrote ❤❤


No new chapter today and I'm sad my streak is broken but I need to take my time with these last few chapters.
          Ending are always hard for me to write. They always end up feeling underwhelming? So I'm trying to write an ending I'm happy about.
          Also, I'm thinking of writing an epilogue, but I never write those so idk what to write.
          What are your favorite scenes to see in epilogues?
          Anywho, Happy 4th, if you celebrate! ✨


Just published a new chapter of Falling For Mr. Perfect!!
          I hurt my elbow yesterday and couldn't bend which made writing pretty difficult BUT I managed to get this chapter done in time!
          I haven't started the next chapter so my daily update streak might come to an end because these final chapters are going to be challenging to write.
          I think there will be one chapter + an epilogue left to write?
          Still can't believe i only started writing this story 20 days ago and it's almost finished.


@DoubleTalk WOAHHH typed one handed OMG?! Well, anyway, it's good that it healed! ✨


@plum_blossom_1234 I did rest my arm while it healed but i was bored just laying in bed so i typed one handed lol thank you though ❤


@DoubleTalk OMG get well soon... don't force yourself, let your body recover first!