
this message may be offensive
Fuck it, imma start copy psting my old stories i used to write in google docs in middle school here.  no one even really reads this shit anyways.


Ayo, y'all ever look up mental disorders and when you see the definitions you go over and check the symptoms and just stare at that mf for 20 minuates thinking it might change if you look at it long enough so you don't have to accept you might be way more mentally unhealthy then you thought?


@DougDimminYoMom I dunno what else to say except I looked up 17, one didn't fit me at all, 3 fit just enough for me to think there's a possibility, and 11 were emotional disorders, FML. The only thing out of all of that I can self diagnose with clarity is insomnia because I almost always need melatonin pills to sleep in under 2-5 hours of laying down. Dunno why I'm telling y'all this but this journey of self discovery is not what I expected nor wanted


I hate not being able to finish anything


this is false, also the person i was doing those rps with and i are no longer friedns due to a very messy friend-breakup... yea so i am gonna try to finish copy pasting demon days and post what little is there for the reboot. hope this clears things up for anyone who stumbles across this.


@DippingOut I feel I should note, current Demon Days is getting updated every week, mostly weekends/when I'm sick, the updated one which will be called "Flowers are The Most Beautiful Kind of Love" 


@DippingOut imma bust out my laptop and start copy pasting rp stuff again, I'll finish the one I was already doing it with and do more, fyi, no rp I'm in has ever been completed yet, also the demon days rp has a reboot which is much different from the original and the characters aren't flimsy or upsetting like in the current one, so the current demon days, it's kinda like a storyboard for a show, some things are true, some are not. Most characters are gonna be the same in name and appearance, I'll draw all the characters (which is gonna be why the whole reboot is gonna be updating every week once we actually get more done with it, and yea, it's gonna be great