I have since completed a follow-up novel, The Ghostwriter's Words and would very much appreciate some proof-reading/critique. As in the past, I am more than willing to return the favor. I am looking for honesty in the form of constructive criticism. As I'm sure many of you do, I greatly miss Amazon WriteOn and I'm looking forward to reconnecting with old friends and members of that group.
I have since completed a follow-up novel, The Ghostwriter's Words and would very much appreciate some proof-reading/critique. As in the past, I am more than willing to return the favor. I am looking for honesty in the form of constructive criticism. As I'm sure many of you do, I greatly miss Amazon WriteOn and I'm looking forward to reconnecting with old friends and members of that group.
Hi everyone. I didn't realize I'd been absent for as long as I had. I did, in reference to The Ghostwriter's Legacy, complete and publish the book, which is now, ubiquitously, available on Amazon, with the first few chapters still posted here.
Thanks for the follow, I hope you will like my book in love with a millionaire's daughter,also if you could vote and give suggestions , it would be really great
Hey everyone. I'm trying to get the proof reading of my book The Ghostwriter's Legacy completed by the end of the month, so I can turn it over to my editor. I'm attending the Boston Book Festival on Oct. 28 and would like to have all three of my Ghostwriter books with me. I would appreciate the help and I'm open to returning the same for three or four of you.
@DouglasDebelakAuthor You are looking for proofreaders? How long is the book? I have an excellent proofreader who would love the work. Has no books to be proofread, just loves doing it.
@SueHart2 Thanks Sue, I had this one done at the same time as The Ghostwriter's Wife. If you haven't read The Ghostwriter's Wife, there will be significant spoilers in Legacy.