
Anyone else's Wattpad not taking them to their My Stories??  I can't access them for some reason??


Anyone else's Wattpad not taking them to their My Stories??  I can't access them for some reason??


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Also I'm getting back into creating and I.  I really do want to go back to Demon's Peril I just.  A g h WHERE THE FUCK DID I PUT MY NOTES and also I've gotta be honest I'll.  I'll probably just re-write what's there for now because it's a little wonky and I wanna try to change some stuff now.
          I love the story dearly but there's so much I wanna change and mess around with and add some more detail and stuff to, and just.  I get overwhelmed lol.  I'll - I'll update it someday just writing anxiety + figuring out where to start likes to screw with me too much lol


@DovefIower indeed. Now, time to re-read many books 


Remembering that there was a time when I struggled to make a chapter 500 or even 100 words sometimes is absolutely wild now that I realize I've been writing for a while and look down to find I've written 1,600 words and I'm not even halfway through the chapter yet.


Oh my goodness I get to start working on the storyline tomorrow or day after (depends on where my brain is at) I'm so excited you don't understand I love them so much I'd show what I drew of one of the characters if Wattpad would let me.  I'm so excited.  Super.  It's probably still gonna be a little while until I can start putting words down on paper and sharing chapters and stuff but SJFJDHAHJSHDHSB I love them so much.  I adore them.  I legitimately don't think I've ever been so excited about a HTTYD story before.  Or making any story before.  No that's a lie.  Wait maybe it isn't.  IDKKK
          Point is I absolutely adore them and I'm so excited to give them a go, I actually have a few little short stories written about them already (because I was too excited but couldn't start writing proper chapters yet) so there's a chance I'll share those even though they'll probably make little sense without context lol.  Anyway main point of this is I'm excited and also losing my mind over my new trio I adore them so much and hope that everyone I share them with will love them (or at least have some emotions about them :3) too <3
          It's 2 AM I should sleep anyway


Oh yeah I also have ZERO CLUE what I'm gonna call the story, possibly a play on "Time Heals all Wounds" in some ways (trust me that makes sense) but I'm not sure.  I can't think of anything yet.  It'll come to me I'm sure.  Hopefully.  And if not I can do like a Whippie and slap a temporary title on it until I find one I like lol


I've officially spent one month pre-planning a HTTYD fanfic and I haven't even gotten to the storyline yet
          What is happening
          I haven't planned this much on something since.  Ever.
          But I love it so much (not sure if I'll drop it here but I do love it very much)


@Whiplash246 Hehe I'll see you in like 2 more months then XD (I have so much spinning around aaaa I'm so excited I keep having to calm myself down and re-check to make sure stuff works because I'm so excited about it.  I love them so freaking much)


@DovefIower oohoho! Im excited to meet these fellas x


@Whiplash246 I am having THE BEST of times I love them so freaking much


I have gained a Special Interest haha (Lego Monkie Kid please watch it the S4 Special is out in Mandarin and I can't scroll through LMK stuff because people aren't tagging all of their spoilers and I'm waiting for the English version cri)
          My writing skills have died and that is the only reason I have not written fanfic lol though I have a couple AUs I'm working on and I've made ert :3