
Hi kids! so i’m starting to publish the first few chapters of my rewritten Bluebell fic, i want to steady get out 3-5 today for you guys, please look forward to them!!
          	love you guys, 


Hi kids! So, my Bluebell fic is gone as some of you may have noticed. Don’t worry, i’m just rewriting it in hopes of fixing plot holes and fixing the story more to my liking! i can’t say how long this will take but i am actively working on that!! I feel all you are used to my lack of a schedule, so please look out for the new and Improved ‘My Dearest, Bluebell’ soon:)
          Love you guys,


The way I thought I was going crazy because I couldn’t find my favorite fic anymore  SOOOO glad that’s not the case lol Can’t wait for the completed rewrite! 


Dad what happened to the bluebell fic? :(((


Im completely rewriting it, in hopes of fixing the plot holes! or at least most of them!! I should’ve told you before i did that, i’m sorry kiddo!!


Hi everyone! So I am planning on finished a few fics soon! Our Darling Bluebell is first on the list. As much as I love it, I feel it’s time to end it. So I’m here to ask if you’d like a cameo from Tony in it, let me know! 
          love you all so much,