I've replaced my laptop! I just haven't had any motivation to write lately. Don't get me wrong, I've got plenty of ideas constantly zooming through my head. The problem is that none of them really seem to stick around long enough for me to write them down.
In regards to Are You Happy Now, I'm honestly not sure if I'll ever finish it, because it is a book a started writing a long time ago and a lot of the themes of that book aren't necessarily things I believe in anymore. I desperately want to finish it, I just haven't fully decided how I am going to finish it since the storyline does actually coincide with the storyline of Demon Blood.
In regards to Demon Blood, I doubt anyone remembers when I first posted this book and I actually finished it with somewhere around 54 chapters and even began writing the second book but then I decided midway through the second book that I was going to rewrite the first book. A really great decision to make, amiright?
In regards to Good Girl Fever, I've got the title (Most Dangerous Game) and a basic idea of the storyline...which is really all I have. I can tell you that the book will focus more on Wade.
That's what I've got so far. I hope you guys found this helpful. Please give me any feedback you may have.