
Hey y'all, after a brief (and rather uncoordinated!) return from retirement I've just published the last chapter of my last fanfiction, A Golden Opportunity. It's been fun getting back into the swing of things, though I am currently writing a three book series with original characters and will continue to focus on that. I believe my fanfiction days, while they were lovely indeed, may officially be over. 
          	I will hopefully have finished the first of my new series by the end of summer and will start editing it in the fall. If anyone here is interested in being a beta reader for that, please DM me and I will keep you in mind when the time comes. 
          	Thanks all for a fun nine years! I'll be around of course to check notifications and all that, so don't hesitate to reach out with anything!


I hope you continue to succeed :) haven’t checked wattpad in a while but I’m so happy I did today


@DrJohnHolmes noice! The ride was fun while it lasted:))...so uhh about the beta thing...I dunno how to be one but if I can I'd like to help ya out as thanks for being my fav Johnlock writer, that made me weep like a baby, mind you- jk, and as support for ur dreams :> 


Hello again, amazing author 
          So I'm not a very amazing writer, but I was watching this video on nazi concentration camps and they subjected homosexuals to immense torture. So I was thinking, just maybe, if you could write a story based on how they're ( Sherlock and John , maybe a little Victor) thrown into those concentration camps for being homosexual jews, assigned numbers for names, assigned homosexual badges and stuff ( I was watching this on he infographics channel in YouTube - Day in a nazi concentration camp- ), they're in the same camp, subjected to inhumane torture ad stuff, and then maybe give it a REALLY HEARTBREAKING ENDING. Idk like someone dies or smth?
          So this is just a suggestion since I really love your writing style, but if you like the suggestion then maybe you could write a novel on it??
          Again I'm not trying to force you into writing anything, I just liked the idea and wanted to tell you about it just in case..
          Your biggest fan EVER.


Hello again! I say, that may be too dark even for me! Perhaps there are things like that out there in the fanfiction world (A03?) but I think I will steer clear. It’s much easier to mull in fictional worlds than approach such a devastating historical moment. I am, however, considering doing another johnlock fic just for fun. I’m on the fourth version of my climate fiction novel and it really is boring writing the same thing over and over! Stay tuned… :)


Hi I am very sorry to disturb you, but you are like my most favourite author ever and I LOVE reading your books ( I'm kinda obsessed) and I was just wondering what your most recent story is and whether you're going to publish any soon?
          Also although I am a die hard johnlock fan, I love Viclock too; and you're my favourite author soooo......
          I love the way you express Sherlock's emotions, maybe you would consider writing one where Sherlock self harms by cutting, and idk john maybe helps him or smth like that??
          Again, please don't stop writing, your style is something most don't have, you have a natural talent for writing ( mostly johnlock)


Thanks for this message, I appreciate your enthusiasm and I am so happy you like my books! My most recent story is “A Golden Opportunity”, which I finished publishing last year I believe. However, as an author I am moving away from my johnlock tenure to more original works. My goal is to publish a climate fiction trilogy, which is really slow going unfortunately. Thankfully I’ve got plenty of books to keep you entertained, I hope, until I can release more! Thanks, and happy reading! 


oohhh maybe you could do another piratelock( just a suggestion)


Hey thereeee I love your stories and work you’re literally my favourite author on Wattpad and I wanted to ask if you will publish more stories or if you’re like “done”, btw I would be soooo happy if you write new ones 
          Much hope and love :)


okay! that’s cool, thanks for your answer, I’ll wait patiently haha, happy new year for u too :)


Hi, thanks for reaching out! Admittedly I’ve retired “twice” but I am still actively writing. Trying to write some original works but it’s always very good on the brain to phase into the johnlock books again… all that being said I’m not technically done, and it’s very likely I’ll pop up with another story eventually. Just probably not too soon! Though I thank you for your readership and suggest re-reading! With so many stories it’s easy to forget what happened in many of them! Have a happy new year!


Hi!! I just wanted to say that it's been years since I last opened wattpad but suddenly remembered about a couple of your johnlock works. They are the best!! So unique that I even remembered after years of inactivity in this app-- so long i forgot and can't access my old acc or got removed by wattpad. I love how you explore outside of the norm (from what i read back then). I'm excited to read my favorites again <33 For me, you're the best johnlock author I have ever read and followed. 


Oh wonderful, welcome back! I’m happy to hear my stories are memorable! I hope you enjoy re-reading your favorites, and I encourage you to read some new ones, too! Thanks for the message, and happy reading! 


Sorry to be posting here, but I might say I'm (slight) obsessed with one of your fanfics (The Porcelain Doll), and while I was reading it, some musics fit well, so... I made a playlist :D
          for those interested in listening it:


Oh, and thank you! I forgot that little phrase in the above message!! 


My goodness that’s a remarkably high compliment! I looked through the songs and they’re wonderful, but how did you find the time to collect so many!!! I’m so happy you’re enjoying the story, it’s one of my favorites (if not my all time?). You’re motivating me to read it through myself :) 


Hey y'all, after a brief (and rather uncoordinated!) return from retirement I've just published the last chapter of my last fanfiction, A Golden Opportunity. It's been fun getting back into the swing of things, though I am currently writing a three book series with original characters and will continue to focus on that. I believe my fanfiction days, while they were lovely indeed, may officially be over. 
          I will hopefully have finished the first of my new series by the end of summer and will start editing it in the fall. If anyone here is interested in being a beta reader for that, please DM me and I will keep you in mind when the time comes. 
          Thanks all for a fun nine years! I'll be around of course to check notifications and all that, so don't hesitate to reach out with anything!


I hope you continue to succeed :) haven’t checked wattpad in a while but I’m so happy I did today


@DrJohnHolmes noice! The ride was fun while it lasted:))...so uhh about the beta thing...I dunno how to be one but if I can I'd like to help ya out as thanks for being my fav Johnlock writer, that made me weep like a baby, mind you- jk, and as support for ur dreams :> 


Unfortunately Microsoft Word is still unable to copy/paste, despite my efforts to troubleshoot. I will have to wait until I return home next Tuesday to have another shot. I’ll try periodically throughout the week but unfortunately for now the update is stalled until further notice :(


@DrJohnHolmes I'm sorry but- I READ THAT AS MYCROSOFT 