Hi! *waving*
It's been a while since I talked casually, right?
So I was feeling a bit low and got cranky and hell moody. I just wanted to stay away and draw a line. I stopped writing (as I announced a while ago) and then recently stopped reading as well. Yes, I was that irritated.
During that short time, I worked on my behavior and understood that reading is what I love the most. But at the same time, I acknowledged that there are certain instants where I want to weave my words, though how lame the outcome sounds.
And finally I figured out how to balance my reading and writing together, without worrying. I found that it's my interest and enjoyment that count the most. It's me who needs to be happy, either by reading or by writing.
Hence, I am all set to start a fresh with this new philosophy. I have certain plots in my mind which I want to write and I have certain lists of books which I wish to read.
Finally my exile has ended and I have started writing again. I have finished the edited version of Poles Apart, now known as Kismat Connection, long back. I have finished some of my draft shots too. And I have started a spin off too. And surprisingly, it feels like I am free from my burden.
Even revealing this here feels like lessening the burden.
Oh and I just finished an amazing book too. A masterpiece! You all know, how excited I get after finishing a good read, right? Try this out please, 'Just For Tonight'.