
To the people who have been waiting on me to update - thanks so much for the patience, and I hope to be back by the end of FEBRUARY! Thanks for the support ❤️


Status update for anyone at all curious: I will likely not be writing for a while due to inordinate levels of procrastination and also the terribleness society has forced on adolescents which goes by a slightly more terrifying name called the College Process™️. The two may or may not be related. I will be finishing my fics, but at a time when I don’t have seventy other things to do which I am also not doing. I still read comments though, love you all ❤️❤️❤️❤️ thanks for all the support
          Tl;dr: HIATUS!!!!! But you should actually read the above paragraph to make it worth the time it took to write


Hey guys, new story up! This is the one I mentioned in an earlier post - I worked on it with my friend @smallkindofdisaster and yes, it is Harry Potter (or rather, Draco Malfoy). Be warned, however, that it is dark and not at all like my other fics, make sure to check the warnings before you read it. Also, sorry for my inactivity on Free As a Bird. My only excuse is that it's junior year and everything sucks. I'm working on it, I promise


PSA: Beware of pedophiles trying to join the LGBTQ+ community. I'm linking a wattpad story with an image of the flag they are trying to use; if you see this flag, block the person immediately. Do not let pedophiles ruin the name and message of the LGBTQ+ community, do not let people use this as an excuse to shun and oppress LGBTQ+ individuals all over again. Please feel free to tag people you know to spread this important message.


Theoretical question: would you pay $5 to have a physical copy of your favorite fanfic?


Thanks for answering everyone! This was definitely absolutely 100% hypothetical


Hey so just updated but I wanted to let everyone know that I’m co-writing another story which is partly why this update took so long. The plan is to finish the other story soon, which will hopefully mean that the next update for Free As a Bird won’t take as long as this one did. Thanks to everyone for the support!