
You know when I said I’m going to drip-feed The Crimson Talons? Uhh… so that’s pretty much gone out of the window. I’m going to post one chapter at a time. To some of you that might be drip-feeding. To me drip-feeding is a paragraph at a time, or something similar. Anyway, I’m going to stop rattling on now. Bye guys!


You know when I said I’m going to drip-feed The Crimson Talons? Uhh… so that’s pretty much gone out of the window. I’m going to post one chapter at a time. To some of you that might be drip-feeding. To me drip-feeding is a paragraph at a time, or something similar. Anyway, I’m going to stop rattling on now. Bye guys!


Hey people! I just published a bit of my first story! I don‘t have a cover yet.
          I‘ve written quite a bit more than what‘s on show, but I‘m going to drip-feed it to you guys JuSt bEcAuSe I cAn…
          Eeep. There’s so many things I want to do with this that I haven’t had the chance to do yet. Hope you enjoy, and please do send feedback if you have any!