Hi guysssss, I have some semi- bad news, and some realllllly good news.
So basically I haven't published anything in a while of 'The real you?' Because I've been writing a couple of chapters first before publishing them, I know exactly how I want them to turn out, just every time I go to physically write it comes out all wrong and not how I mean it to be.
So for now I'm just going to keep trying and in the next few days I will definitely publish something regardless of how it turns out, I will just have to work with it and pull my story round at another point.
So amount all that I have also been playing around with a few ideas for another story, actually I have been drafting it for a while now. It's going to be a 5SOS fanfic, fitting the theme of my account.... I'll let you figure out who it's about?? so far what I have written for it I am actually quite proud, I just want to write a couple more chapters to make sure it doesn't fall flat before I publish it. So you have that to look forward too.
I just wanted you all to know I'm not giving up on 'TRY' I'm simply taking a short break from publishing but I promise behind the scenes I'm typing my fingers off