
this message may be offensive
On a test run in fanfiction.net, I tried doing doing some writing shit, like testing out hold, italics, an option that allowed you to do ___________ that somehow. Turns out, bold and italics are absolutely fucked. So I can't do that. Might just post on AO3 from now on.. maaaayyybbeeee Wattpad because all the traffic, but then again, fanfiction.net, uuuugh, fuck sake. It's whatever. It's just a big fucking hassle with all this crap. 


this message may be offensive
On a test run in fanfiction.net, I tried doing doing some writing shit, like testing out hold, italics, an option that allowed you to do ___________ that somehow. Turns out, bold and italics are absolutely fucked. So I can't do that. Might just post on AO3 from now on.. maaaayyybbeeee Wattpad because all the traffic, but then again, fanfiction.net, uuuugh, fuck sake. It's whatever. It's just a big fucking hassle with all this crap. 


Sup. Dunno when I lasted but whatever. Anyways, I'm generating some ideas, surprisingly. Nothing concrete, but I'm writing them down. So far, the most developed are is re zero, the less developed ones being MHA and high school dxd. That's not all I got so far, but the rest is bare bones. Anyways, that's my update for today, or this month, I guess.  


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Well, inspiration is slowly coming back to me.. sort of. Honestly, I'm just writing down random shit and hopefully I'll have enough content to start making the framework for what I want. It's like a.. it's not even prr-aplha, it's like, in development hidden from the world kind of development lmao. But yeah, I'm working on a.. interesting story? I guess? Idk, we'll see. 


Recently, I've been getting more and more inspiration from various fan art and other things. I was thinking about continuing the story but currently, I'm not quite sure, because my motivation just dies after a short bit and nothing really progresses. If I ever do continue the story, it most likely won't be on a chapter to chapter basis. Instead, I'll most likely post the chapters after I'm at least HALF done with the story so I don't feel pressured. Another thing, I feel the pain you guys do whenever there isn't a story that's finished and you're left with a sense of wanting more. I completely understand. That's another reason for my recent wanting to continue. However, despite all that, I just can't force myself to do it. It makes me only not want to do it more. There is no reassurance either. This is the only update that I felt like I needed to express. I will most likely reconstruct the story. Either way, I'm hoping for myself for the story to continue and finish because really, I do feel the pain of y'all. Until next time. 


Oh yeah, I forgot to mention this, I'm not dead lol. 


Since my story is gonna be focused around humans a lot more than monsters, I need to focus on those aspects. So, that means I will have to create original ideas, which will take longer than usual because this is my first time of doing something like this. Writing this story has taught me a bit, such as when I'm doing a scene, is to just focus on that scene and then when I'm done, focus on creating the next scene, rinse and repeat, instead of doing all the scenes in one go.