
this message may be offensive
Right underneath my eye my face fucking huuuurrrrttsss! Its been like this since I woke up! Blinking makes it worse! Fuuuucccckkkkk, why the fuck does it huuuuurrrrrtttttt?
          	Does anyone got any ideas as to why its hurting?


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Right underneath my eye my face fucking huuuurrrrttsss! Its been like this since I woke up! Blinking makes it worse! Fuuuucccckkkkk, why the fuck does it huuuuurrrrrtttttt?
          Does anyone got any ideas as to why its hurting?


Random Idea I got from reading a HTTYD and MHA crossover: Some of the class are dragons and the rest are humans, the human classmates are vikings and the dragons steal from them. Quirks don't exactly exist, some of the class (both human and dragon) can shift into the other species. Denki is definitely a dragon with lightning and Kirishima is definitely a sturdy dragon, Aizawa is either a dragon other dragons look up to or is the chief. Izuku, Denki, Hitoshi can turn into dragons/humans. This is where my idea ends. If someone writes up this I wanna know, and can you please keep the three I mentioned to stay being able to change forms? Like I'm fine if you choose others as well to do it, I just really want them to be able to do it. You can't convince me Aizawa wouldn't be someone one would look up to, he's Dadzawa!


My mom: delete every fanfiction app you have and don't re-dowload them until you have As and Bs in math. I don't want you reading anything about anime or creative stuff till you get your grade up
          Me: okay (unless I want my phone taken away I had to agree)
          *goes on my device*
          Me: *sees that I have no apps for it at all* 
          Me thinking: haha! I can still read fanfiction! Woo-hoo! Take that!
          Me: *pretends to uninstall stuff while in reality I'm just tapping the screen*
          Mom: done yet?
          Me, lying through my teeth: Yep
          You can't take fanfiction from me, mother. I won't let you.



            chapter 14 of Building a Family: Through Less Than Legal Means


I can tell today is gonna be a bad day. I have online school that starts today at 8:00AM, wish me luck! 


@DraconiumWolf Oof. Hope it turns out ok! Bullying is partially prevented due to the teachers being able to hear/see what they're saying, and any jackasses you see in the halls are nonexisted due to just clicking onto another class instead of having to walk there!


Alright so this is something that someone else said for everyone to read for their safety. Please read it! I'm trying to spread it to everyone that I can because I care for you all, even if I don't know you or have ever talked to you. 
          So please, if you haven't already then read this
          I hope you all have a good day/night and please stay safe, either it be in real life or online


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@DraconiumWolf oh my gosh! The fact that that's a grown woman saying that shit is ridiculous! She actually thinks that other straight people agree with her?! I'm sorry, what?! If I ever meet her I'll say "Enjoy help for me, Karen!" While smiling and waving. What a jerk. I promise that most straights are a lot nicer!