
The Sequel to the Order of the Sphinx- The Order of the Phoenix; Enter the Dragon- has been posted. Go and check it out!


hey love. its been a while since your last update on several of your stories. you doing okay?


@Draculassidekick of course! take your time love! I understand writers block all too well. I can't wait for you update, and the wait makes it all the better! Thank you! I'm happy your okay, and don't push yourself too hard! 


@FluffyPenguins541  Thank you so much for the message! It was really sweet of you to check on me. I've had a mad schedule over the past couple of months as I've been trying to find a middle ground between full time intense study, work and other responsibilities. Writing has been forced to the back page recently but hopefully I can find time to get back into the swing of things.
            The next Chapter of OotPEtD has been half finished for ages, just need time to double check a plot point with canon before I charge ahead. The rest I've got writers block on unfortunately. 
            Hang in there for me I'm trying as hard as I can to make time to write. Thank you so much for checking up on me it was so sweet of you!


          I know I don't often send messages, partly because I've only just now figured out how to do it and party because I don't want to spam you or annoy you with them or anything.
          Just writing now to let you know some exciting news. 
          I've been asked by a few fans when the sequel for the Order of the Sphinx will come out and I said vaguely 'November'. I really didn't want to rush myself but I think now I'm finally in a position to post it again.
          If everything goes to schedule, I am to have the Sequel posted on Thursday the 8th of November. Is that agreeable for everyone? 
          Sorry to those of my fans who don't read The Order Chronicles but I'm afraid I have an overwhelming majority who do. 
          Thanks so much for your time
          Dracula's Sidekick


Hey everyone!
          Just letting the readers of 'The Order of the Sphinx' know that I am having timing schedules at the moment which are preventing me from writing the sequel, 'The Order of the Phoenix: Enter the Dragon'. Though in November I will begin my summer holidays and I hope I can work on it more thoroughly. 
          As I've mentioned to a few people one of the reasons holding me back from posting the first through to fourth chapters online is my fear that my story has diverged too much from cannon; the only way the sequel can work is if it sticks to cannon. 
          But I would like to thank you greatly for sticking with me and I promise to make the wait worth your while. 
          Hopefully you can see the first chapter in the next couple of months.
          Lots of love
          Dracula's Sidekick