
Greetings, I'm just going to make a teeny tiny announcement here. I have no idea if I'm going to expand and continue Star chasers. Currently I'm trying to think of where to go with it. So stay tuned if you would like to see more of it.


Greetings, I'm just going to make a teeny tiny announcement here. I have no idea if I'm going to expand and continue Star chasers. Currently I'm trying to think of where to go with it. So stay tuned if you would like to see more of it.


Zdravím, aj keď to nevyzerá že som dajako aktívny opak je pravdou. Pracujem pomaly na Viere Draka a snažím sa pre ňu nájsť druhý názov ktorý by sa tomu príbehu hodil viacej. Čo sa týka star chasers, nemám ani poňatia či ten príbeh budem rozširovať a pokračovať v ňom. Ďakujem za pozornosť.