
Wattpad Thanos snapped my story out of existence. Sadge.
          	So instead of what I said in the previous post, I’ll be rewriting instead. 


@Dragololo well that sucks m8. good luck with the rewrite.


@Dragololo i was still on that first chapter.... Damn it...


What was your story?


Wattpad Thanos snapped my story out of existence. Sadge.
          So instead of what I said in the previous post, I’ll be rewriting instead. 


@Dragololo well that sucks m8. good luck with the rewrite.


@Dragololo i was still on that first chapter.... Damn it...


What was your story?


If anyone cares, I have stopped procrastinating and started working on the story again (also started procrastinating my Uni courseworks, but we don't talk about that)
          I kinda have some ideas on how to progress the story going forward. At the very least, I know what to write for the next 3-4 chapters. 
          They're gonna be really long—the current one I’m working on has 15k words so far, and it’s not really that close to being done. 
          Re-reading the chapters, I really screw up portraying the characters in the way I planned them. I don't want to be a rewrite Andy and rewrite every chapter, so the next 3-4 chapters are kinda fix-it chapters for that.
          Or answer chapters (like in Higurashi) which answer things that were hinted at in earlier chapters, and add more context and depth to things and events that lead up to the present timeline. 
          In other words, I gave up on the pacing, the flow of the present events and the timeframe, and decided to really flesh out the characters. 
          But after so long, ya’ll probably already forgotten everything that's happened so far and won’t reread the earlier chapters anyway (that’s what I do), so it’ll serve as a refresher as well. 
          That being said, there are going to be modifications to the already published chapters. 
          Currently planning on rewriting the SSs and making them longer, maybe turning them into full-fledged chapters. So both SS are probably gonna get unpublished and republished at some point. 
          I probably still won't be publishing anything until next year, though ( /j ...or maybe not /j, who knows)
          Anyway, that’s all. 


@Dragololo don't worry, you're my goat..... Besides I'm still at the first chapter so it doesn't change that much for me


next update?


Haven’t wrote since I last published. Been reading other novels and trying to get over my writer’s block. My Uni semester is starting as well, so I’ll be busy too. So not anytime soon. 
            I might revise the already published chapters, but I don’t intend to abandon the story (at least, not now).


Hey, have you ever made a story based on anhs that you deleted? I remember some story which started much like the canon and you said you translated it yourself from the Japanese version.... But now when I see your profile, I just see the junior high one 


Yeah, that was me. The chapters are unpublished.


Hi, it’s been a year. 
          I’ve been writing something in my spare time for the past couple of months. I was going to publish it only after I finished the first volume, but I hit a wall recently. At this rate, it wouldn't be published at all, so I decided to publish the first arc of the story. 
          I’m just posting due to frustration, tbh.
          Since it's not the final product, and it’s not edited much, there will probably be some inconsistencies. 
          In any case, the available parts will be published over the next week or so daily. 


@Dragololo hopefully it goes better! (haven’t read the previous fic so I’m interested in seeing where this one will go) and don’t feel pressured to rush anything 


@Wave_Crasher alternative timeline, but this isn't a continuation or a rewrite of that. It’s a completely new story. 


@ Dragololo  good to know!


Hello author, did you deleted your fanfic? 


@Dragololo Ah got it. Thanks for answering! 


@GrayRaven_001 had the same cover as the current one, but named alternative timeline. 


@Dragololo wait, which fic you unpublished again? I kinda forgot lol


Just an update to say that the stressful period has somewhat passed by. 
          To explain, my mother and I were under a lot of stress since I was rejected by one of the Universities I’d applied to. That specific university was the only one that announced its results early, whilst the others released theirs at a much later date. During that waiting period, my mother would lash out at me for the tiniest things and we’d get into extremely heates fights almost daily. In short, I was in no shape mentally to continue. This is all resolved now, however, as I’d managed to get awarded a scholarship to my second choice. 
          Now regarding the fic. I could theoretically continue but there’s a lot of stuff that I would change in earlier chapters before furthering the plot. However, the bigger obstacle for me is my laziness and my declining interest in COTE.
          I haven't picked up the story since I dropped Y2V2 months ago when I first started reading the series. I've basically learned all the plot points beyond that point through osmosis. I have read Y2V9 and started reading V9.5 for translation/summary purposes, but I couldn't get myself to complete the latter. 
          For now, I’ll leave the window open and say the story isn't dropped. I did come up with a few ideas during this blank period, but I'm not sure if I’d be able to muster enough motivation and discipline to continue. If I do, it’ll be great to see you there. 


@Dragololo First of all, congrats on making it. With a scholarship no less.
            I would make an asian parents joke, but your mother should definitely work on her patience. Wtf.
            Write at your own pace. My interest for COTE comes and goes, sometimes it takes months before I take an interest again.


@Dragololo COTE Y2 is beginning to drop quality right now also yeah I know I can relate to that


            Dayum. Sorry to hear that. I had my moment too but isn't as much as my older sister. Probably because I'm the one who mainly do the housework. 
            University is gonna stressful so just posted message her or message me privately if you ever need someone who can listen and give you crack joke as well as dark humour.