
Hello, I am reading your One Piece FanFiction story and I love it. I hope you will continue to write even while school starts, I can't imagine waiting weeks before reading it, It's an amazing story. Reading your story made my imagination fly, so don't hesitate to ask if you like a hand. (Sorry if my English isn't the best, it isn't my first language)


hello author!! everything very well? I'm reading your One Piece fanfic, while reading it I thought "maybe in the future he could have the 'capoeira' fighting style?", so I came to ask if you could add this fighting style. It's a very famous type of fight here in Brazil! (yes, I'm from Brazil). Please think about my idea, thank you very much!! sorry if some words are wrong, english is not my native language.


Author your stories are great I fully support u so do us all a favour and post more chapters more frequently 


Good day to you author,
          I'm a concept artist and an animator who loves visual storytelling loves to make spectacular animations, and I was really impressed by your work on (Homelander (New Legacy)). I’d love to work together in a paid collaboration and create art inspired by your amazing stories.
          If you're on social media, I'd be happy to connect. Here are my handles:
          Discord: leaonacolin10_56838
          Gmail :
          Looking forward to hearing from you!
          Best regards,