
Hello everyone! 
          	I'm sorry that i've been slow on updates, it's just been hard finding free time to write.
          	I'm also happy to announce that we have reached 13.4K views on 'A new start?'!
          	This could have never happened without the love and appreciation from all you guys. Thank you so much!
          	I was so shocked by the amount of people who actually wanted to read this, your feedback and responses are great too!
          	But there's something else i would like to address. I've decided to start a new book.
          	This book is an idea that i've had at the back of my mind for months, i've just never managed to find an oportunity to start writing. 
          	The book will be released hopefully shortly after this announcement comes out. 
          	To make everyone aware, i will probably end up spending most of my time working on this new story so updates on any and all other works will probably slow even more. I WILL BE CONTINUING UPDATES THOUGH! So don't worry. It will just take a while for each update.
          	I'm currently working on Timeline A: Chapter 16 for A new start.
          	Author out!


Excuse me! Sorry if you can't respond in time but why did Horror-Pasta say complete? Does it mean your making a second book? I can't stay on a cliff hanger! Please spare me. I think it was cool so please make another book!


YAAAAAY! All of the Creepys (Creepypasta Limbys) are with joy! Also you gave me a heart attack! 
            Great Job!


Thank you, The Horror-Pasta book isn’t finished yet, but I will be making a second one, thank you.


Hello everyone! 
          I'm sorry that i've been slow on updates, it's just been hard finding free time to write.
          I'm also happy to announce that we have reached 13.4K views on 'A new start?'!
          This could have never happened without the love and appreciation from all you guys. Thank you so much!
          I was so shocked by the amount of people who actually wanted to read this, your feedback and responses are great too!
          But there's something else i would like to address. I've decided to start a new book.
          This book is an idea that i've had at the back of my mind for months, i've just never managed to find an oportunity to start writing. 
          The book will be released hopefully shortly after this announcement comes out. 
          To make everyone aware, i will probably end up spending most of my time working on this new story so updates on any and all other works will probably slow even more. I WILL BE CONTINUING UPDATES THOUGH! So don't worry. It will just take a while for each update.
          I'm currently working on Timeline A: Chapter 16 for A new start.
          Author out!


Happy Halloween Everyone!


The night is a dark and cold one. Fog hangs in the air, frost biting my toes. My focus becomes drawn to the puffs of clouds that fly from my mouth at every breath. Then it switches. A cat, leaping through the shadows; a house, monochrome; the shadows that converge and twist in the corners of my eye. Finally my gaze rests on a small pumpkin, smiling up at me. It's eyes hollow yet joyful, it's smile empty yet emminating warmth. I smile, i make my way up the stairs next to the little pumpkin. I knock on the door, after a small break the door opens to a cheerful woman.
            "Trick or Treat!"
            I call and she laughs. She shares a similar look to her pumpkin. Both small, but battling the darkness and winning, both with a smile that could melt any ice. She takes out a box and hands over a sweet.
            "Stay safe!"
            The door swings shut and i turn back down the stairs, leaving the happy little pumpkin behind.


To Everyone who reads my stories.
          Thank you so much for showing an interest in my work.
          I hit 1k view on A New Start!
          I just want to say that i will be taking a small break for the time being.
          I will keep writing though i won't be posting any new updates on my books.
          Again thank you for reading!


@blueberry0cake thank you! This means so much to me, my viewers comments are one of the things that helps me continue with my works!