
I have a new account that i use more regularly than this one. I won't stop using this one but you'll be able to get me to respond quicker on it. If you wanna know what it is just ask. Id put it on here but dont care too. 


Hey do you happen to remember me?


@lorddeath i can message you and send you the account


@lorddeath of course Scotty i remember you. Sorry for the late reply. I use a second account mostly.  


          Important: Change your Wattpad password immediately
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Well dang. It wasn't just a nightmare. Everything feels so unreal but I won't fall apart. I mean I did but I won't anymore. If anyone wants to talk about how they're feeling please don't hesitate to message me, we can talk as long as you need to. Remember that you are loved and as long we stick together and protect each other we will get through this. I love you guys so much. 


Tomorrow is so important!! PLEASE GO OUT AND VOTE!! It is between Hillary and Trump. No third party will win. Don't try to be a rebel. Your vote matters. Trump is unfortunately in the lead. DO NOT VOTE BY TEXT OR ONLINE THAT IS A SCAM!!You do not have to tell anyone who you're voting for. Do not wear a shirt showing who you're voting for. Some places will kick you out for that. Don't take a picture of a ballot, it will make it invalid. Bring ID! PLEASE GO VOTE!!


@gaskarthisbae Oh thank god! I feel a little better but honestly i can't relax. Thank you for informing me.


@DragonWarriorEmpress  actually Hillary s in lead


*When you realize you were suppose to put up some of your books on here but you ain't got no time.* Imma let it slide, cuz I'm lazy.  College is tiring but Japanese hella hard. Everything they said about college applies only to Japanese. Late night studying? Japanese. Tons of homework? Japanese. Stress? Japanese. Its wild you guys. Wild I say. 


So I like mobile visual novel games now,  not the whole talk to me before bed thing or whatever.  More like Mystic Messenger, my very first one.  Anyway so there's this gay visual Novel game.  It says BL. But you now what a lot of the complaints were? "Can we change our genders?" "I'm tired of seeing just guys." Listen kids. BL stands for boy love.  Boyxboy. Dick and dick. If you want a visual novel game for hetero love go find it. These games don't need to change for you just cuz you didn't read the description. 


I am a black person.  I like my fellow people. If you don't and would rather see us gone feel free to click that unfollow button. You aren't hurting my feelings whatsoever.  I'm sick of seeing us shot up for no reason and I'm sick of people acting like it ain't got nothing to do with our skin. You can sit down with that bull. So please unfollow me.  Make my day.