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I can't write worth shit, but I have an idea for a story nobody's done yet. As far as I can tell, at least. The idea is an isekai story, with Father Gascoigne, the first major boss of Bloodborne as the mc, I don't care where people send him or what they do with it, it's just I think a story starring a less popular Bloodborne boss would be cool, especially if you include some of the lore surrounding him, like his relationship with Henryk and the tragedy of what happened to his daughter's if you decided to do their questline.


@Dragon_Gaming102 glad you like it tho!


@Dragon_Gaming102 oh thanks- Its kinda inspired from a computer in real life called AlphaZero and chess, soo


@HadesLegacy, it's cool I understand, but about the votes, what can I say except it's a good story, the premise of a worker drone with the ability to calculate the most likely outcome, or as it is usually referred to, "future sight" is a unique idea I haven't seen before, so in short, it's a good idea that so far you've executed brilliantly.